Ah that makes sense and Punk has some good advice as well. I would do "real" deadlift once a weak, SLDL once a week, and squat twice. I don't think I'd be too concerned about squatting three times per week. Listen to your body. i lift fairly heavy so I do DL once and squat twice per week. If your body says you're overdoing…
Gonna echo the ninja turtle- DL is a fantastic exercise and so is squat. That being said, if this is a single workout and you're doing it 3x a week, your recovery is going to be brutal and I'd definitely keep DL to twice a week if you're lifting heavy. Different people have different strengths. I'd squat every day if I…
Taso- I ended up at SS after doing Stronglifts for a while. Once I did my research I moved on to SS and it's been treating me well. Now that I'm more interested in cutting some chub rather than just getting stronger, I'm sorta making my own program and just keeping focused on form/technique. I've been doing high reps (7…
Thanks! I found the "Strength training" group here and I'll look at the road map one too. The group layout is a little different but I think I like it. Thanks again.
New to the group so I'll chime in here. Haven't done a 1RM in... a decade so... Recent numbers for sets of five: Squat 3x5x315, Dead 1x5x365, Bench 3x5x235 (all in pounds) for a combined total of 915lbs. Goals are nice round numbers: aiming for 405 squat, 495 dead, 315 bench... Even number of 45lb plates makes the math…
This thread is GOLD! Here's my workout list on Spotify though it'll be growing with stuff from this thread :D