

  • I definitely agree with you! I am down to my last pound on my goal tracker, but is the next step losing more weight? i dont want to lose too much weight, but what i do want is to gain muscle. so i totally feel you. ive been doing situps on an incline with a 6 pounds weight and every time i crunch up i go side to side and…
  • I know that protein isn't going to work on its on, its not a miracle cure to losing weight... my initial question was really, is there something I can take that will help build muscle while I am working out. I think protein shakes, and supplements will do that, but I wanted to know if anyone had suggestions as to brands,…
  • That is a lot of shakes. RIght now I am doing boxing 1-2 times a week, and going to the gym 2 (I'd like to up that to 3) times per week. At the gym I am running about 2 miles and walking one. Sometimes I will do the stairmaster for 10 minutes, or the eliptical. As far as weight training, I am probably not doing what I…
  • would you recommend any protein shakes or supplements to take for toning up? I am open to taking something as long as it isn't bad for my health.
  • I made Chicken meatball soup last night... but you can definitely make it with turkey. It was so simple (i used odds and ends that i had to get rid of before they went bad) I chopped carrots and celery and 2 small white potatos and put them in a pot with low sodium chicken stock, and let it cook for about 20 minutes... the…