Lovemylife67 Member


  • Welcome. I wish good success for you too!! =)
  • WELCOME!! I'm there with you about the knees...and the back. However, I know the more weight and inches I lose the better I'll feel. Good luck to you!!! :smile:
  • I think it would count. If you go to the excercise database and type in walking, there is a catagory for walking carrying an infant or child. So go ahead and count it. Every step we take puts us one step closer to where we want to be.
  • Hi and welcome. I too am new here and so far so good. There are LOTS of awesome people here ready and willing to help. This site seems pretty easy to use. I wish you great sucess in your journey. Good luck to you!!
  • I'm right there with the rest of you! I so want to get this weight off and what a great reward! To go see Eclipse in June! Can't wait for that one. Have a great week everyone!! Looking forward to making great things happen!!
  • Try this...I haven't tried it yet but it sounds really good. Chocolate coated Mousse cones..84 calories 1 g. fat and 0.5 g. fiber. Each cone is one serving. 2 cake flat cones 1 jello pudding snack 2 T.choc. sugar free syrup. 1/2 c. fat free coolwhip. Pour 1 T. choc. syrup into each cone and coat the inside. Put in freezer.…
  • I went to Google and typed in "are all calories burned the same". Alot of different resources came up. Try that and see what you can find. Now alot of us are curious..LOL!
  • That's a good question. I hope someone knows the answer to that. If nothing else. google search it. for the shin splints...try powerwalking instead. Basically it's just speedwalking. You can still work out but not get shin splints in the process. If you want a little more resistance..try wrist and ankle weights…
  • Welcome!! I know what you mean about getting a good start then falling flat. I think we ALL do that at one time or the other. The thing to remember is that there is no failure. Just trial and error. So what if there are a few days here and there where we "fall of the wagon". OK...been there done that. The best thing to do…
  • Hello. I've only been here for a few days myself and so far I really like it. I have decided that it's time to make myself accountable so I am making my food diary visable to friends here. I do WW online but I heard about this site so I decided to give it a try. I need all the support and motivation I can get right now and…
  • Water can a little boring after awhile. I put lemon juice in mine. Not a lot, just enough to taste. Makes the water taste better and someone told me that lemon in the water can help speed up your metabolism.(sp??) Not sure if that's true or not but it's still better than plain water.
  • Does the website about the excercise equipment talk about the Gazelle? It would be interesting to know how long I have to use it for it to be effective.
  • Your challenge sounds very exciting!! Great job on the weight loss. Keep up the good work.
  • Welcome! You're right. It's never too late to make healthier choices for ourselves. It's never too late look and feel better. Have fun and good luck!
  • Hi and welcome. Good luck on your adventure! You'll do great!! :smile:
  • If you're doing all that, it sounds like you're lightly active. Going up and down the stairs is a pretty good excercise. As long as you keep moving the way you are and really watch what you are eating I don't think weight gain will be an issue. Maybe 1 or 2 days a week during nap time you could throw in an excercise DVD…
  • One thing I have learned is never deny yourself a treat. As long as you eat it in moderation there is no reason why you can't have some chocolate. Don't overdo and you should be fine.
  • Thankyou for that note of encouragement. I appreciate it. Good luck to you too. I think this site is going to be a challenge but it will be fun too.