Week ONE!!

sara_f Posts: 29 Member
Hi, My name is Sara and I wanted to try this for a week and see what happens..........so far so good!!! I have never counted calories, I have always watched carbs and have done very well, but always got to a point and got stuck. I would maintain weight but couldnt loose any more so I am hoping with this I can keep loosing!!! I have a friend who has done very well with this website so I have very high hopes!!!!!!!! :)


  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    Hi Sara My name is Jenn I just joined today and I really like it. so have you finished your first week yet? or just starting? I have a long way to go but I have decided not to really dwell on how long of a journey it will be and just focus on one day at a time. and I also just decided that this will be a long term journey, like a lifestyle change. I know we hear that all the time but it just seemed to finally click for me. well good luck and keep us posted!
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    I agree...I have made my first goal to get under 200 and then I will make a second goal....I need to meet a short term goal to stay motivated!!!! Good luck to you too!! And Yes, I have just completed week one and I love this site!!
  • Lovemylife67
    Lovemylife67 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello. I've only been here for a few days myself and so far I really like it. I have decided that it's time to make myself accountable so I am making my food diary visable to friends here. I do WW online but I heard about this site so I decided to give it a try. I need all the support and motivation I can get right now and so far I have not been disappointed. Everyone here seems to be very helpful. Good luck to you and remember...it's not about where you're going or how long it takes to get there. It's about having fun along the way. Together we can make lifestyle changes less of a challenge and more of an adventure. Good luck to you!! :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Sara, welcome!:flowerforyou: My youngest daughter is Sara with no H.:bigsmile: I just wanted to welcome you and tell you about a support group I am part of on this site. We are all girls who would like to get under 200 pounds. We talk to each other and support each other a long our weight loss journey. It is very helpful. This is the longest that I have ever focused on trying to make a change in my body. I LOVE this tool and I love having a group who understands what it feels like to weigh over 200 pounds. Hope to get to know you better. Jenng38 and Lovemylife67 your welcomed to come check us out too.

  • Pur3essence
    Hi..I'm nu to this website an I absolutely have no clue on where to began. I guess I'm replying to ask u for sum gudience.:happy:
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    The first thing I did was look at the labels of things I usually eat and start making changes!!! I like to plan my day, so I know exactly what I am eating. And if I have some extra I know I can grab a little something if I am out and about!! I have been going to the gym 6 days a week! I am not hungry as much and cravings are getting eaier to handle. I give myself an icecream night once a week. I do use Hydroxy Cut Advanced to help give me energy! It works for me, but is not for everyone!! I think the most important thing is to get moving!! Gook luck!!