

  • I'm actually studying abroad for 4 months in Italy in a few months, so any other tips would be appreciated here as well! The only thing I got is to watch portion sizes. If you can't control exactly what you eat, you can control how much you eat. You'll also be doing a lot of walking there.
  • SW: 132 GW: 125 Give or take a few pounds. Not looking to be exact on the scale, more looking to turn the fat into muscle and get into beach shape!
  • Either Earth Balance or Smart Balance are great choices for alternatives because they do not contain any hydrogenation (trans fats). Butter itself is a saturated fat and does NOT lower your HDL levels. It increases the LDL (bad cholesterol) and virtually does not affect HDL.
  • I am a college student too. But, I'm vegetarian, so I have a lot of meals like a big salad with tofu and vegetables in it, or veggie sandwiches on wheat bread, or egg salad sandwiches. Also, I like to make a mexican bowl with brown rice, beans, avocado, salsa, cheese. Stir fry is a good option too- it's very quick. Nuts…
  • It is definitely finals season, haha. I like to cut up red bell peppers and snack on those if I need to continuously munch on something. But, in terms of a snack that helps me focus, between lunch and dinner , around 3 or 4, I will have some raw nuts. Trader joe's sells them in individual packets for serving size, so I…
  • Finals are so stressful, I'm going through them now too! If you want to snack more throughout the day, maybe try eating smaller meals and use the calories on snacks instead. I like nuts and fruit, and I've been drinking a lot of water, tea and coffee. I've still been working out first thing in the morning so I have the…
  • I just started drinking a tea called Good Earth - original flavor when I'm craving something at night. It has no sugar, but all the herbs including cinnamon make it taste sweet! It's really good, I recommend it.
  • I recently went through the exact same thing. For the past few months, I was eating 1200 cal per day and exercising regularly but found I would still gain weight. I recently cut out all artificial sweeteners--I was having a lot of crystal light, and splenda in coffee and other things, sugar-free jello, diet sodas, etc.…
  • I'm with you! What do I do to enter this challenge?
  • HI! I have been a vegetarian for more than half my life and I am still loving it. I suggest for protein, I eat 0% fat greek yogurt (by fage) for breakfast everyday, it has less sugar than american yogurts and way more protein (sometimes a little 6 oz container will have 18g of protein! Also, lentils are good, whole grain…