Hegemone Member


  • I'm the same way. I combine protein with complex carbs for my bedtime snack, such as some whole grain gluten free crackers and light string cheese or fat free greek yogurt, sliced fruit, a small amount of whole grain cereal, cocoa powder and stevia. I try to keep my snacks to around 100 calories. Sweet dreams!
  • Ha! Yes, I've done that, too! Talk about doing a double take --!
  • I love Kathleen DesMaison's research and her books. She has a website: radiant recovery. She writes about how certain foods are addictive to some people. So, some people can be all, sure, I'll have ONE cookie. And others are like, I just ate the dang bag... I think it goes beyond will power and I think she is onto…
  • Oh my gosh this back to school transition is so hard and with a baby, I can remember those days! I feel for you. Weekend: take a couple of hours with the baby strapped on your back or in a little swing, get some music going and prep. You will be so glad you did it. Here are some ideas or questions that have helped me: Can…
  • Hi, just wondering if I can ask you what you mean by full: do you mean full, like your stomach is full of food and that's a good, satisfying feeling? Or by full do you mean: you fee as though you have eaten enough to have energy, you do not feel lethargic, your blood sugar feels stable, and you are not feeling hungry? Best…
  • You are an inspiration! :)
  • For support around restrictive eating, I highly recommend Kathleen DesMaison's program at www.radiantrecovery.com She has a specific group to support people with a history of restriction. (I'm not paid to say this, lol, and the information and the online support group is free.) I'm just really sending you a wish that you…
  • A slice of cheddar cheese microwaved on a piece of parchment paper for a minute or so becomes this airy, crispy, crunchy snack. It's weird and awesome!
  • Hi, I have AS. I just did a search to see if any others here have this. I think maybe anyone with autoimmune disease can understand that sometimes the really challenging part of staying as well as possible is: exercise. When feeling really fatigued and in pain, it can be hard to walk at all, or for longer than 10 minutes.…
  • Love the topic, love the ticker, love the TARDIS! Have no useful advice at all, but just loving the wonderful geekery. Makes me feel right at home here!
  • I was thinking of getting some favorite books on audio to encourage me to walk more. My current work out of rapidly turning pages has made my hands nimble and lean, though. One thing going for me: nerds love information! So, I can learn All The Things about getting healthier! And then I can relax, all proud of myself…
  • Mix with salmon instead of using mayo in a salmon salad. Spread onto a cracker. Veggie dip, just add a little Indian spices such as cumin, turmeric, etc. Do not blend with nutella, sorry, that's a note to myself, because it's really good!