

  • Generally health practitioners seem to recommend weighing yourself only occasionally, for the reasons you suspect judging by your remarks. Many also recommend taking a hip or waist measurement as an additional measure of fat loss. Weighing yourself means you're weighing everything, including new muscle you may have grown…
  • Helping hubby whilst helping myself David Gillespie - 'Sweet Poison' and 'The Sweet Poison Quit Plan Michael Moseley - on intermittent fasting Frederic Delavier - Strength Training Anatomy
  • You may find it interesting to look into two things: 1. the big debate about fructose and it's highly probable link to the wave of obesity in Western cultures 2. the idea of intermittent fasting SHORT STORY Obese husband has gastric band surgery. Husband loses 20+ kilos. Husband starts to plateau, still gets cravings for…
  • Like Indian flavours? I baste mine all over with commercial curry paste - doesn't matter what flavour. If it needs thinning to make it more spreadable I just add a little olive oil. Whack it on the barbecue or grill and voila you have a very tasty addition to a bunch of salad veges or whatever else you choose.
  • I'm leaving behind Christmases where I dread getting on the scales afterwards. It's been a long time since there's been a December where I've been lighter at the end of the month than when I started. Woo hoo to me and hubby.