Goodbye 2013!

Hey guys!

What are you going to leave in the dust in 2013? It can be anything.. Spiritually, physically or Emotionally. I'm going to leave negative self-talk in 2013! This new year I will look in the mirror and think about what I love about my body rather than what I don't.

What are you leaving in the dust?


  • I'm leaving behind Christmases where I dread getting on the scales afterwards. It's been a long time since there's been a December where I've been lighter at the end of the month than when I started. Woo hoo to me and hubby.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I'm leaving behind tonsillitis that decided to join me on Boxing Day lol. I'm also leaving behind the negative remarks people have made to me and my weight loss.