It's been five years, but I'm back and looking for supportive buddies, please add me!
I like an adopted buddy. Having buddies on here is how I lost the weight the first time, I'm ready to do it again! I'm Dana, I'm 28, I have three kids, recently divorced, and extremely sarcastic. If you need support buddies as well, I'd love to help offer support.
I'm starting again, TODAY! Might as well start again, I'm excited to be reminded how much fun and how rewarding it was the first time, and HOPEFULLY this time it sticks!
Wait, we can't be friends because I'm blonde. LAME. I like people! But I'm also too tall and thin now. I used to be bigger, does that count... probably not. Oh well, anyone else wanna be friends?
Welcome. I'm a mom of three. Feel free to add me.
bump. sounds awesome. thanks for sharing.
I am the same way. Potatoes and sweet potatoes, but I also have to take potassium gluconate in pill form twice daily.
Seattle, Washington State <3
The day I learned I had a medical condition cause by my weight. I figured to be having medical issues at 22, it was probably time to change.
It makes me uncomfortable too. I try really hard to say thank you and accept the compliment. Really try to be proud. You've earned it.
This is brilliant! Thank you for the tips. I'm gonna boil my jeans tonight!!
That's so awesome!!! Your wife really is amazing :)
Always call your doctor. Sorry that's all the imput I have.
Dang amazing abs. Nice work.
Looks amazing.
I'm 5'11". Sadly I am not as thrilled with my height. I think it's because I have a very short, petite group of friends, who I feel like a mamoth next to.
I'm a happy person. I love how positive you are Beav, and how fun you are!!
wow that's fantastic. Awesome work, you're looking great.
Mmmmm bacon. Sorry I think I have to sit this one out. I hate trying strange foods. We used to eat liver and onions all the time when I was a kid. But I would never eat that now.
i love it. I use in recipes a lot too. But I love it solo. Mmmm, or with a banana. I would recommend trying it.
I am still 15 pounds from my goal weight. So I really hope this isn't where I'm suppose to be. Thank you for your suggestions, I should be drinking more water for sure. And I really hope this plateau doesn't last 5 weeks.
I'm a complete nerd. I can pretty much quote the entire Lord of The Rings movies from start to finish. I'm not quite as good at Return of the King though. Oh and Harry Potter, all of them. I've already watched the Deathly Hallows part 1, nine times. I'm kind of a loser, but at least I know it.
Sounds like my mother in law. That's why we have MFP. At least we have supportive friends here!! You look fantastic. I don't know what you looked like before, but you're beautiful and healthy now!
You look great Mikey!! You are doing so amazing!!
Do or do not, there is no try. - yoda, star wars