bdeplb Member


  • Thanks all. I really do monitor everything very closely. I try to watch my sugar and carb intake. I try to eat cleanly as often as possible. Rarely eat out and I am doing a kickboxing weight training and yoga classes. I am committing to logging everything I eat for the next month in hopes I see my weight at least stop…
  • Thanks everyone. I actually do use a scale for weighing my food and I went and tried eliminating dairy and gluten for 2 months only to end up having horrible reactions when I re-introduced them. I didn't lose any weight through it all and instead continue to gain. no up 22 pounds.
  • Read carefully. Only 8 has only 32 calories in 1/2 cup by volume which according to them is only 40 grams or 1.25 ounces. So, if you get a typical 4 ounce serving, it is actually over 100 calories. I find their calorie info. very misleading.