lisal11 Member


  • I'm the same height. You look even smaller than 130lbs. Great work, very inspirational!
  • Wow, that DID make you look younger. Great job!
  • I love McDonalds but always wake up the next morning with the worst food hangover ever. So not worth it.
  • Chicken Cabbage Soup (my husband and kids love this recipe during cold weather) 1lb skinless chicken breast 1 yellow onion chopped 2 ribs celery chopped 2-3 carrots chopped 1/2 head cabbage chopped chicken broth or bouillon cubes salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary, thyme to taste cornstarch 2Tbs dissolved in a little cold…
  • Wow! Great work!
  • I fill up on good food before I go to stuff like that. I might allow myself something small while I'm there but at least I won't binge on all the tasty treats.
  • I also roll out of bed and immediately work out. This is the only thing that works for me. It is painful because I'm not a morning person but if I don't get the workout out of the way... I'll make up excuses, get busy and not do it. I need to do it before my toddlers get up or it won't be done so I just force myself to. I…
  • Thank you. The pain is definitely in the gastrocnemius muscle. I grabbed a larger ice pack from the store today and a Tiger Bar to massage the muscle. For that matter, I guess I should use it on my calves regularly. They've been tight this entire workout and it would probably help to prevent injury if I could loosen them…
  • Bumping. No one?
  • I'd like to join, on day 7 right now. Though, I injured my calf this morning so I might end up doing an extra long phase 1 while I recover!
  • I loved, loved, loved Bikram. I had the time to do it before I had kids then my schedule got crazy and I had to stop. I would have continued except the workout (1.5hrs), drive time and shower time (really need a shower after that!) ate up way too much time. It was very effective for toning and weight loss for me.
  • Lots of helpful suggestions, thank you!
  • Thanks for the input. I really like Jillian's workouts because I need to fit it all into a 45 minute window. I can do it everyday but only for 45 minutes or less. I'm relieved to hear about other people having initial weight gain and then losing. I don't know why I'm so hung up on the scale. I did take my measurements when…