lisal11 Member


  • I do it before the kids wake up, which is absurdly early. It pains me to sacrifice sleep and I'm a terrible morning person but it's the only way it will get done. Most mornings my husband tries to help out by getting them going while I get cleaned up but that depends on his schedule.
  • I started using an 18" Tiger Tail roller after a calf muscle tear. It's been very helpful to keep it from turning into a tight little knot as it heals. Additionally use it for rolling over the back of my neck and shoulders. Also, it makes it much easier for your spouse/significant other to give you a back massage. :P
  • I've had knee surgery and can do the exercises in 30 Day Shred. I would take a moment to check your form when doing those knee intensive exercises. Never let your knee drift in front of your toe. When you squat, you should feel like you are sitting back in a chair. I've found that trying to keep your knees from coming too…
  • Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm looking into all those exercises, some of them I'm familiar with from previous PT stints. The scarecrows look interesting, definitely something to challenge myself with once I get some more muscle built up. It is a chronic dislocation issue. When I was young, it was not so bad. I could…
  • Thank you! I'm going to Youtube those!
  • I've been with my husband for almost 15 years w/ two kids and his opinion on this issue does matter to me. He never tells me he thinks I'm too fat or thin. If I gained 50+ lbs, I'm confident he wouldn't divorce me over it. We've been through several weight changes together, including BOTH of us gaining pregnancy pounds.…
  • I love hiking. You need to work everything. On uneven ground, you work all sorts of muscles in your legs and core. Even your arms if you add really rocky areas or any climbing. A weighted pack would certainly make your regular walks more challenging. Make sure you've got good boots and you break them in way in advance. I…
  • I would LOVE to have your legs! I like quads that are toned or cut. I'm not a fan of super skinny or "skinny fat" legs.
  • What kind of cross trainers are you using?
  • It's painful but I just force it. Feels great once done and out of the way for the day. I think my alarm clock helps, it makes noise and simulates day light. Kind of hard to stay asleep with a bright light in your face.
  • Go to the doctor. A fever/fatigue is not an absolute requirement for bronchitis or even pneumonia. My two year old had pneumonia last year for nearly 3 weeks, no fever for part of it and she was tearing through the house for most of it.
  • Do it whenever you are most likely to do it. I need to do it first thing, shower and start my day or it won't get done. If I try to do it at night, I'm already tired from a long day (and two toddlers burn me out) so I'll think up a million excuses not to.
  • I have a lot of experience with Bikram. Used to do it as much as possible, when I had time, pre-kids. I have never gained weight from it. However, I do gain weight when my muscles are hurt/sore due to loads of water retention (it's happened with other types of work outs). I would think, if you are sore, that you are…
  • I totally get it. I'm a super busy mom with two toddlers and had to find a place to cram in exercise. I'm not new to exercise but am "reintroducing" myself to it with a much crazier schedule. For me, it had to be painfully early in the morning before taking the kids. On the up side, even though it's quite early, it's done…
  • I don't go to the gym unless a friend forces me to. :) I don't like the commute time , don't like waiting for a machine and don't like showering there. I need to work out as soon as I roll out of bed, and it needs to be fast, or it doesn't fit in my schedule. So, I do videos at home and use free weights.
  • I'm an hourglass shape. My waistline loses before anything else. My thighs and upper arms (bat wings) are the last to go.
  • That's pretty much all I needed to hear. :)
  • That's tough. I used to be an avid Bikram fan (Power Yoga, Vinyasa flow as well) and the heat really muddles the result. I've seen a wide range of results with people who wear the monitors. I definitely would not use a heart rate monitor when first starting the class. You are not used to the heat and it's taxing just to…
  • I also recommend consulting a pediatrician if you are concerned. As a former middle school teacher and a parent, I agree that these physical fitness tests are kind of ridiculous. I think it's fine to just keep kids active, preferably outdoors when possible. I've been seeing a trend of schools that require a child to…
  • I was also going to mention a high school track as well. Usually they have bright lights. For whatever it's worth, one of my closest friends ran the Boston Marathon and she did a lot of training on a treadmill. She would do it while her kids were sleeping. She finished the marathon in good time. I guess it's just about…
  • Don't quote me on this but I THINK Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is: I was considering getting it myself for weekend cardio. It's kind of long though, 55 minutes.
  • I love Rodney Yee. His voice is so calming.
  • Thanks again everyone. I appreciate the advice. :)
  • Thanks for the info. I've been icing because it's been swollen but if I can get the swelling down today, I'll switch to heat. I'd actually prefer heat, feels a lot nicer than cold. I know I should probably see a doctor but that comes with a big bill I don't want to deal with right now. :( Unless it becomes unbearable, I'll…
  • Oh no, I hope not months. It feels high in the gastrocnemius toward the inner side of my calf. I can't know for sure but I would guess it's there. That muscle is a tight ball right now. How did you know when it was safe to try to stress it? After two days of rest, it was feeling pretty good. One workout later, slightly…
  • I loved yoga. I did Bikram, power yoga and vinyasa flow classes (before I had kids and had more time). I have some Rodney Yee programs and home and he has the best voice ever. I agree adding other things to yoga helps; like lifting weights (which will improve your balance in yoga) or something recreational. My Bikram…
  • This happens to me if I get sore muscles. I've been doing 30 Day Shred and gained 3lbs. I do Weight Watchers and have been staying within my points really well. Usually, I'd lose weight but with the workout... I gained. My husband, who has done weights in the past, told me that if you're sore, you're very likely going to…
  • I also think it just depends on how the weight loss changes your face. Seems to vary from person to person.
  • Bumping. I could have sworn a lot of people here are doing T25.
  • I'm just shy of 5'3". Typical hour glass figure. Waist is tiny but behind and thighs are a problem. I also have grandma's "batwings". Absolutely despise my upper arms!