Better to exercise in morning or at night?



  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    Well said. I love my morning workouts, have the rest of the day to do whatever. Just consider that if you do workout in the evening, you'll still need something to replish yourself. You can go and have a lite meal, but you'll need to eat something. Your body is going to need the fuel. But what was said below, NAILED IT
    I've been doing them in the morning, but I think it would be better at night, because I tend to eat more after exercise. If I exercise at night, I wouldn't eat because it's already late. Would I burn less calories if I exercise at night?

    Burning calories is not determined by the time of day (or night) that it is done, it is determined by the amount of effort put in.

    There is no better time to exercise, but the best time to exercise is the one that you enjoy the most.
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    I'm also an afternoon/evening person. I've seen several people mention that eating something light after an evening workout would be sensible... what would you recommend?
  • mkim3138
    I've tried going in the morning and I almost dropped a weight on my face :noway: I go at night now, lesson learned =D the only thing with going at night is you gotta make sure you go even if you don't feel like it.
  • tificreole
    tificreole Posts: 18 Member
    Having a family, I have to work around them. I work out 2 times a week in the morning and one in the evening.
    In the morning I usually skip my usual breakfast and have a banana/protein/strawberry smoothie which I have prepared to go the night before. Then I have a running session on the week end ... a Long Slow Run of about 45min which I am trying to build up to 1 hr.
    The evening session I have the same thing as it would be too late for me to have a huge meal. The potassium in the banana helps with recovery and the protein with staving off hunger. I found out after trial and error tha 100gm of banana is enough otherwise my sugar intake is too high.
    If I had the choice I would definitely work out in the morning as I find out that it puts me in a good mood for the day.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    The best time to exercise is when you have time, energy and motivation. Your hormonal levels at differing times of the day will not be vary enough to make a significant difference to overall weight loss or weight gain.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Meal frequency has absolutely no bearing on weight loss and that being said exercise when you can get it in...... Best of luck
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    People have success either way, I would suggest you be sure you've eaten something 45 minutes before working out (this is why I can't workout first thing in the morning anymore, I never had energy if I did it before breakfast). Also, if you work out at the same time every day, your body will get accustomed to it and start releasing more testosterone at that time to help you power through your workouts.
  • lainie644
    lainie644 Posts: 19 Member
    I believe afternoon exercise is the best. You will start your day around 6am with a shower and a 350 to 500 calorie breakfast.

    Then around noon you will eat a high calorie lunch. 30 minutes to 60 minutes later you can exercise.

    It is good not to eat after 6pm because your food will not have time to digest completely before you go to bed. It takes roughly 5 hours for your food to go through the digestive system. If it takes longer, then you are not eating enough fiber.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I would prefer to exercise in the morning because I am a morning person and am more energetic in the AM. However, I belong to a gym where the exercise classes given are in the evening so I usually wait until then. I find it harder to go to sleep when I exercise at night, but I try to stay up for a couple of hours when I do it so that I calm down some.
  • lisal11
    lisal11 Posts: 59 Member
    Do it whenever you are most likely to do it.

    I need to do it first thing, shower and start my day or it won't get done. If I try to do it at night, I'm already tired from a long day (and two toddlers burn me out) so I'll think up a million excuses not to.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I believe afternoon exercise is the best. You will start your day around 6am with a shower and a 350 to 500 calorie breakfast.

    Then around noon you will eat a high calorie lunch. 30 minutes to 60 minutes later you can exercise.

    It is good not to eat after 6pm because your food will not have time to digest completely before you go to bed. It takes roughly 5 hours for your food to go through the digestive system. If it takes longer, then you are not eating enough fiber.

    that's ridiculous.

    I eat a big whole meal before I go to bed.

    Eat whenever you want. workout whenever you want.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    How is this a 38 post topic... ?

    Also, I have routinely lost weight at my target rate, 1lb per week, by eating whatever I want, whenever I want, only limiting by calories.

    Just do that lol Worry about all the nit-picky bull**** later.

    Oh... now it's at 39...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How is this a 38 post topic... ?

    come on- you've been here long enough- you should know better than to ask such silly kinds of questions!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It is good not to eat after 6pm because your food will not have time to digest completely before you go to bed. It takes roughly 5 hours for your food to go through the digestive system. If it takes longer, then you are not eating enough fiber.

    HA, yir just trolling right? Right?! Right?! Such sillyness around here...

    Tonight when I get home from work which is about 6pm, I'm going to consume...

    - 1/2 gallon of milk with some chocolate syrup
    - two pop tarts
    - 200 grams of delicious beef
    - some veggies
    - maybe some sweet potatoes too

    Then I'm gonna go to bed, wake up and go Deadlift my *kitten* off. :D
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    As long as you exercise, it shouldn't matter what time of day you do it.