Does losing weight make you look older?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think it depends. When someone loses a lot of weight they may have loose skin on the face that wrinkles, making them look older in the face. But if you are fit, your body will look youger.

    From close up I don't think my face looks older or younger than before (other than the 2 years I have aged). But the extra muscle, better posture and flexibility that comes from regular exercise makes me seem younger than I did before.

    When people learn my age they often tell me I look younger than I am, but I think most everyone gets told that. When I meet friends from high school I think they look about the same age as me.
  • lisal11
    lisal11 Posts: 59 Member
    I also think it just depends on how the weight loss changes your face. Seems to vary from person to person.
  • LaurenEileen74
    LaurenEileen74 Posts: 142 Member
    Yes, you look a little older when you're thin...but when you're fat you look, well...Fat.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Older. More wrinkles on face and my eyelids now sag.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Ok. Do most people look older when 40lbs or more over weight?
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Losing weight in a healthy way & to a healthy weight makes one look younger. Much better. Doing it in an unhealthy way will make one look older and sick.
  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    it depends on how much you lose. If you lose so much that your body fat levels get under 5% then your skin thins out making it easier for wrinkles to form but people who lose weight to their normal range look younger
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think we've all pointed out various ways it just depends on the person.

    I do think clothing can play a big role, though, too in making people look younger when they have lost weight.

    I used to work with a woman who wore a size 26/28 and always dressed in pastel colored tops and the same type of black dressy pants. She had a million sweater sets and sweatshirts and all pastel, usually blue or lavender. That was like her "uniform" and now that she has lost a large amount of weight I've seen her wearing a much more modern palette of browns, greys, orange, green, etc and she just looks so much younger despite more wrinkles on her face.

    My fiance (now 32) weighed between 350-400 lb when he was 18-22 years old. He shopped exclusively at Big & Tall Men's stores that (especially back then) carried frumpy-man clothes, business type shirts and old man jeans. That's what he wore. He also had (and stlll has) a mustache and full beard. As a result he was constantly hit on by 40-50 yr old women who thought he was around their age. I'm dead serious. Once he hit 25 and had gotten down to his current weight of 225 lb he was wearing mostly athletic style clothing, brands like Patagonia, North Face, and a few skate brands. The older ladies stopped hitting on him and he was carded for alcohol for the first time(s) in his life. I really think the clothes were the biggest part of that.