Sarahr73 Member


  • If you don't always eat back your exercise calories, I would average out your calories each week. I used to do that when I was trying to lose weight for my wedding and it worked pretty well. Some days I would be closer to 1200, sometimes under, and other days I would be closer to 1400. But, I would keep an ongoing average…
  • Half an avocado has about 150 calories and it's great spread on toast, which has 50-100 calories per slice. That would be a good high calorie, but healthy, snack.
  • Yes, I am usually hungrier starting about 4-5 days before my TOM hits. After a couple of days into it, I tend to go back to my normal eating habits. I found that eating more protein during this time helps me not eat as much than if I ate like I normally do. Bolthouse makes a breakfast smoothie that is made of strawberries,…
  • It does burn calories, but aerobic exercise is where you will get the best bang for your buck so to speak. If you get an HRM you can monitor how many calories you burn but ti won't be a huge amount. But, getting more muscle will help you burn more fat and calories, so keep at it no matter what.
  • I am an hour glass and like another poster said, you don't lose weight faster with a certain body shape but it can be more noticeable. When I used to weigh less than 140 I looked gross whereas a woman the same height with a different body shape can weigh the same and look chunky.
  • A scanner and a receipt printer....hmmm. I might be able to do a little damage if I throw them at the zombie, but if there's a mob I'm screwed. Too bad I don't work at Cabela's, it might have been a gun!
  • Perfect way to do it. That's what I did last year and I didn't gain any wieght. I also eat healthy most days so a couple unhealthy days won't disrupt most people's diets.
  • I agree. He may think you are calling him fat right now by trying to get him to lose weight. You never know, maybe he developed a bad relationship with dieting because he was forced to do it for so long. Once he gets to the point where he is no longer happy with his self image he will do what he needs to do to in order to…
  • For women's jeans size (US) I would not want to be smaller than a 8. I think I look too thin in anything smaller. I naturally have big thighs and look weird when they are really skinny. But, I wouldn't want to be bigger than a 12 either. I am currently a 10 and like my size for the most part. I have no clue for a dress…
  • Well, the general weight for a fully developed woman is 100lbs at 5' and 5lbs for every 1" after. So, generally speaking, for you it would be 150lbs. But, I am 5'10 1/2" and I've noticed that I feel the healthiest anywhere between 150-160 when I am toned. I would say just get toned and see how you feel. I am sure you will…
  • I downloaded the sample for book one on my kindle and now I am just waiting until I get home (and have wifi) to buy the book!
  • Me too. I usually bring my lunch to work, I tend to not eat out during the week so when my husband wants to eat out on the weekends I don't feel so about doing that :)
  • Here's a few that I remember "Yeah, Used to be ****house" -Said by Latrine "What's your name?" "Achoo" "Bless you" And of course, all the time Sheriff of Rottingham messes up his lines
  • Water and gum help me a lot. Even though I am not really eating anything, the act of chewing something helps me keep my mind off of food. You could try healthy snacks like fruit and veggies too, that might work.
  • I am need to get some pumpkin! This looks so tasty, thanks for sharing!
  • My fiance and my cat made me smile today. I have been getting up early to go to the gym before work 3 days a week lately and he has been getting up early too just to say goodbye to me (and he doesn't work until 2 so he could sleep in if he wanted to). And my cat is always waiting for me outside the bathroom while I do my…
  • Exactly. You cannot expect to see results in just one area. When you are working out and eating right your body will lose the fat all over. And from what I have heard from other people, the mid section is the hardest place for a lot of people to lose weight. I still have my love handles and a small chunk of stomach but…
  • I think I will have to try that sometime. I like my drinks a little more plain, no frills.
  • I LOVE viatmin water.....granted, I usually mix mine with vodka, but still it is so good!
  • I buy frozen fruit as well so it keeps longer. I recently have been eating more frozen fruit as deserts and it is so good! I buy the generic bags at Target and usually get strawberries, blueberries, and pineapple. They are all good frozen and can easily be turned into smoothies with other ingredients. I'm not a big veggie…
  • Oh yeah! I love Skinny Cow ice cream so much. And Weight Watcher ice cream. I get ice cream bars from both all the time. I eat an ice cream treat about every other day and it keeps my cravings to a minimum knowing I have something waiting for me at home.
  • I'm 5'10" and when I was in high school (same height) I got really sick and got down to about 110-115 and I looked so deathly thin it was gross. I know you are two inches shorter, but if I looked like I was dying I was so thin, I would advise you to take a second look at your weight goal. Like others have suggested, maybe…
  • I like the adductor/abductor the best. I love feeling those muscles work! But the exercise that is my number one top all time favorite that is not in my fitness routine is something you do in bed! :wink:
  • I second the idea of chucking it and denying all knowledge of it. It is nacho day tomorrow at my work and we have treat days a lot, so I know the feeling. But, unlike your situation, I am one of two on a diet of about 25-30 people at my office. I think our voices are too small to be heard. I was told one day to just deal…
  • Well, when I am at home I claim mine, especially if they are super stinky and/or super loud. And if they are SBD's (silent but deadly), I usually don't say anything until my fiance notices, but he does the same to me. In public, I pretend it didn't happen. I have actually heard that it is super funny if you are in a line…
  • I have a cat named Hemingway and we call him Hemi for short because when he was a kitten he purred so loud it was like a little Hemi engine. And it just fits too since it's the first part of his name.
  • When he stretches with his back towards me, he has awesome back muscles. When he is using his arm muscles, those are awesome too. When he wears a certain pair of jeans and a t-shirt with his favorite belt buckle. He looks good in dress shirts and pants too, but their is something about him in a nice pair of jeans and a…
  • Mine was late last year when I my dress arrived and I tried it on for the first time since the store and it was way too tight. I cried a little that day. It took me a few motnhs, but I finally found MFP and the weight started coming off. In my first dress fitting I cried again, but this time because the dress was too big.…
  • Yup, I feel the same way. Even though my fiance has put on a little weight, and I would like to see it gone, I would never say hurtful things to him. That's just disrespectful and wrong in my opinion.