KValmera71 Member


  • Welcome Chessika (love your name btw) - I am just restarting and about to go through sugar withdrawals myself. I am NOT looking forward to it at all. I have found that pickle juice and taking a magnesium supplement helped with the leg cramps.
  • Where do you buy those from? I occasionally use HEB's (Texas grocer) brand of low carb tortilla's to make tortilla chips when I am craving nachos. But like the OP, I am not sure how safe these are. I haven't come out of ketosis using them but curious if there are better options.
  • I am also starting keto today, please add me :)
  • I will be so happy to finally get below 300!! I have like 38lba to go. I started a keto/low carb diet this past Saturday and my first weigh in is tomorrow!!
  • I started a keto lifestyle Saturday Feb 20th. I have my first weigh-in tomorrow. Would love some friends!!!
  • I will add you! Your story sounds like mine! I just turned 44 on the 22nd of November and have yo-yo'd my way back to where I have started minus about 13 lbs. Sounds like we both can use the motivation and support!!
  • Hi everyone! Wow, I can relate to everyone!! I have yo-yo'd since 2012 going from 346 to 289 then back to 340 then 299 and now back to 332 as of this morning. I am not sure why I will be doing well and then something triggers me back to old habits. I am in need of serious motivation. I have sat here all morning working on…
  • I started out at 346lbs, I am not sure where I am now, I threw out my scale, lololol. I use Thrive supplements because I know my diet isn't 100% and I bought a Fitbit and love it!
  • I threw my scale away! It became an addiction for me. I have NO idea how much I weigh now but I feel amazing, my clothes are fitting bigger. I will weigh in at some point I guess, lol
  • I got samples of the pink drink and something called spark at one time, did not like them. On the contrary, I do use Thrive and love it, not for weight loss though. I am working out and eating better. I haven't weighed in months (threw the scale away because it in itself became an addiction) but my clothes are fitting…
  • Welcome to the group. I can't sit here and say I am a success yet. I have yo-yo'd much of my time here. I was down 46 lbs and then my life turned upside down and I gained back 25 of it. I am a stress eater and the last 4 months have been the most stressful months of my entire life (losing my baby brother, moving to Texas…
  • Routine is key. I have learned this the hard way by doing it wrong, many times over. Creating the good habits and routines are always the hardest for me because I am seem to fall back into old habits at any time.. even after months of doing good. Whoever said it takes 21 days to make something a habit lied... lol
  • Welcome ladies! I have been on the same journey as you all. SW 345 lbs, CW 303. Although I have taken this journey many times (like yourselves), this is the longest I have stayed on track and at my lowest weight in over 10 yrs! I never could seem to get under 320 without completely sabotaging myself in some fashion and…
  • That's my one complaint. I can go to Walmart and spend over an hour walking all over the store and only accumulate 500 steps because my arms are pushing a cart instead of moving. I am hoping the UP3 will change that. I can go back, not pushing a cart and leisurely walk around the same and accumulate 1500-2000 steps.
  • Thanks everyone for all of the wonderful suggestions and advice! I am pretty much a tight wad, so I don't see myself paying for internet to log on. It's a vacation right? Although I hate to lose all of the days I have racked up. But oh well. I plan to enjoy everything I possibly can. Buffets....eh. But I am glad to know…
  • I am 3 lbs away. Tomorrow is my weigh in but I just had to step on the scale today to see the damage from the past few days. Surprisingly, I was down 1lb (303.0)! Hopefully tomorrow morning will be as kind (or kinder) as this morning was :)
  • Same here! Anyone feel free to add me. SW 345, CW 304
  • Jacqueline, I am sorry you are having issues with your UP. I guess I am lucky so far, I haven't had any issues with mine as of yet. I've had it since September 2013.
  • As of today, I am 5 lbs from 299! I am 304, down from SW of 345! I hope to join you soon!
  • Hi Angela! I just saw your post while searching for the same thing. I got his workout DVD and plan to start tomorrow. When you see this, you can add me if you want :) I'd like to know if you started it and how it's going.
  • This is what I read " The Up3 will be available to buy "this winter" according to Jawbone, but that means you'll be able to get one before Christmas. We'll update this article when a precise date has been announced. The iOS app will be available first, with Android following in "early 2015". I have android so I guess I…
  • Awesome! Thank you so very much!
  • Thanks for all of the replies!! :) I do have a HRM, I bought one a few weeks ago and have been using it for my cardio as I have also read that wearing a HRM is useless in strength training. I usually do not eat much of my calories back anyway. That's one area I also struggle with. Mentally, I cannot wrap my head around…
  • There is a calisthenics option in the strength training part of the database. I would use that. And I agree to remove the warm up and cool down. I use a HRM and get a pretty close calorie count logging it as 40 minutes rather than the whole workout.
  • Oh yeah, I have to count my calories because I am totally lost if I don't. I actually got my DVD today. I didn't realize the shipper on amazon is only 20 miles from me, haha! So I will be trying it out this weekend. Living in Florida, it's rainy most days during this time of year so I have to find ways to work around the…
  • I am steadily losing at this point, just hit 20 lbs in 40 days as of yesterday and I am averaging 1700 calories a day. I don't really eat my exercise calories back unless it's to eat back up to 1200 calories (on swim days) but now that it's getting a tad cooler, my pool is not heated so I am finding alternate ways to…
  • I broke down and bought his book, the first one based on reviews. I can't imagine the second book being much different other than following the same eating plan but on a different time frame. I guess the only thing that I do not understand is how someone ( esp of my size 325 lbs) can manage on 1200/1500 calories a day? He…
  • I have definitely noticed my MFP way over estimates my calories burned to the tune about 40% higher than what my HRM logs. I always use my HRM logs. My activity tracker calculates my resting burn and activity burn throughout the day. Like today, my resting burn was 1939 and active burn was 628 for a total calorie burn of…
  • I use a food scale and measuring cups so I make sure I weigh meats before cooking and measure as much as I can. My husband doesn't think I eat enough. I was losing but now it's slowed a lot since I added activity. I am also very hungry most days, esp days I add activity such as swimming, dancing, etc. There have been times…
  • I am having a problem with UP not syncing with the calories on MFP for two days now. Not sure what's going on.