

  • No doubt you'll lose weight. But, you'll only maintain it if you stay low carb. I'm not a fan of any diet that effectively eliminates most of a food group. I'm also not a fan of a diet that says fruits and veggies aren't good, but pork rinds are.
  • I still see a fat person in the mirror. I think I look no different than I did many pounds ago. People tell me I look different and I have the pics to prove it, but I look like the same person to me. Losing weight is the easy part. Having a reasonable body image is hard. Very hard.
  • I bought a Groupon for Crossfit. I was so excited because I'd heard so many good things about it. I hated it. I've been working out regularly for at least 20 years, so it wasn't my first time with weights. But, there was so little instruction to new folks. It was so loud, I couldn't hear the instructor anyway. Everyone was…
  • I haven't seen any physical results, but my endurance is better for sure! The first class was pretty rough. :)
  • I'm a member! I love it! I joined around a month ago. It's such a great workout.