hawaiiprinzezz Member


  • Udi's for bread. Tinkyada for pasta. I make my own cakes and cupcakes with the Betty Crocker Gluten Free mix but you have to add a box of Jello pudding to the mix to give it a more cake like texture.
  • I did the Warrior Dash last year. The only thing that I would suggest is being able to run a 5k comfortably. Above that, training isnt really needed. Nothing really prepares you for crawling through a big ole mud pit or climbing rope walls. It was a lot of fun.
  • I found out I have Celiac Disease because I was losing hair and was extremely malnourished although overweight. I would at least look up the symptoms of Celiac and talk to your doctor about it if it seems to fit. The good thing is, my hair came back as soon as I went Gluten Free.
  • I am Celiac and live in Colorado Springs. All I can say is good luck. Now there are certain restaurants that I feel safe enough to eat at but they would definitely not be what you call clean eating. http://www.urbanspoon.com/t/115/1/Colorado-Springs/Gluten-Free-Friendly-restaurants I recommend Arharn Thai off that list.…
  • I went about the process all wrong and went gluten free before being tested for Celiac. So then months later when I was feeling better and went to the doctor and said "I need to be tested" the only way to do it is to go back on gluten for an extended amount of time and let the antibodies build up in your system. I felt…
  • I saw this post last night before bed and I had to come back here this morning and tell you that I actually dreamt about your sweater last night. I taught myself how to knit just some basic stitches a couple of months ago and I am no where near making a sweater but those colors made me want to get my needles out again and…
  • I have Celiac Disease so going gluten free was a must. And it was extremely hard in the beginning. I would leave the grocery store crying because gluten is in EVERYTHING and I didn't know what to eat. Now a year later I have a grip on what I am doing and what I can have and what to stay away from. But I will tell you that…