For those with gluten sensitivity

servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
How did you get tested for it? My doctor won't bother to test for it, so I wonder if I can go to those holistic places that say they can test for it? I'd rather have it done by a doctor obviously but are those other places ok too or are they BS?



  • myurk
    myurk Posts: 108
    I have Celiac's disease and I am huge advocator for getting tested properly. Although it might just be a sensitivity, I would definitely make sure you get tested for Celiac's as well (1/100 people have it). To do it properly, you need to KEEP eating gluten up until the test, and it is a simple blood test. In Canada it is covered, but I am not sure how it works in the states. I would keep looking until I found a doctor who will give it to you (should be no big deal). I just googled it and I see you can even go online and get pretty cheap "At home tests" . Hope I didn't come on to strong, just bugs me when doctors don't take it seriously!!
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    there are two ways; the first is a blood test that tests for anitbodies, the second is a confirming biopsy to confirm that your intestines are damaged. I only had the blood work done and then went strictly gluten free and am waaaaaay better. Oh, and before I even knew to test for Celiac, I was super duper anemic. Now my blood counts are normal.
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I was diagnosed with celiac disease which is different from gluten-sensitivity but you 'treat' it the same way by going gluten-free. I have friends who have gone to holistic doctors and were told to avoid gluten and when they did they felt better. If you really want an official diagnosis you could go to one of them or a different MD. But if you're thinking gluten is your problem you could also just go gluten-free on your own and see how you feel. Now I will say if you're planning on getting a doctor's opinion/testing don't go gluten-free on your own because that could mess up your results. Did you doctor say why they won't test you? The first step is just a blood test for the antibodies, at least that's how you start for celiac. I'm sorry if that's not really much help, but good luck to you.
  • hawaiiprinzezz
    hawaiiprinzezz Posts: 8 Member
    I went about the process all wrong and went gluten free before being tested for Celiac. So then months later when I was feeling better and went to the doctor and said "I need to be tested" the only way to do it is to go back on gluten for an extended amount of time and let the antibodies build up in your system. I felt like dying. Literally felt like dying forcing myself to eat gluten after I had been GF for 6 months. I knew I had my answer then and didnt bother waiting it out for a test.

    The question you have to answer is how much does the diagnosis mean to you.