dstrugg Member


  • I love sweets so much so this has been hard for me. I actually stopped counting my sugars because I generally go over. One of the best things I've done is quit drinking soda, which really helps reduce sugar cravings. I've been making frozen fruit smoothies and milkshakes with very minimal sugar. Dried fruits have been…
  • I'm with you, I love the Olive Garden salads, which are a rare once or twice a year treat (Olive Garden in general). As for salads at salad bars, the salad bars I do tend to be the ones where restaurants have them. Used to be a great restaurant called Barbers Crossing and I enjoy Ruby Tuesday's salad bar when I go. I…
  • how does kneeling on your knees feel? on applying pressure on one knee? fire hydrants are a good exercise but you have to apply direct pressure to the knee. and if bending is hard you can do backwards leg lifts, so your lifting your leg as high as you can but backwards. You can also use a chair or a wall for support for…
  • Hey! I'm in grad finishing my Masters! But always nice to see Freshmen doing their thing university! Good luck to you and everyone else, I'll send some requests!