thehealthylife Member


  • There is a blog feature you can use. When you are on your home page, click on "My Blog" not to be confused with "Blog" which is MFP's blog with helpful tips and recipes. To make your blog private, click into it (by clicking on My Blog) and then click "preferences" on the right below your profile pic. On that screen you can…
  • Hi, I'm Suzanne. I joined last year, but got busy with a new job and lost focus. After settling into being a working mom, I am ready to recommit to living healthy. I right around 100 lbs to lose and would love to meet others to share the journey.
  • Returning after a hiatus, would love some friends to share encouragement. :)
  • You are in the right place for support. This website is wonderful for that. I totally feel you on having to cook different foods for others. I have tried to convince my husband to make some changes, such as no soda in the house both to avoid temptation for me and because I just don't feel it's a good influence to have…
  • Thanks for postings this question! I am a semi-veg (seafood only), so I have really struggle with ways to get enough protein. I can't believe how many great ideas everyone. Seriously going to copy some of these ideas to my recipe book right now!
  • Congrats on how much you have already done and good luck on your MFP journey! Sending you a friend add, since we are close to the same point on our weight loss journey. P.s. I am also an emotional eater.
  • Good luck! I just completed week one. This website really is fantastic. So much support and so many tools.