

  • I definitely need some motivation. I try to look at old pictures of myself before I had my daughter in December and I just get depressed instead of motivated. I only have about 12 lbs to get where I want and 6 lbs until I am back at my Pre Pregnancy weight. Sadly my husband is not motivation because "I look fine". He is a…
  • Stand your ground! I am nursing and my family keeps telling me that my milk production will stop if I don't eat a TON! I count every calorie and I know how much I need to eat to keep making milk for my daughter! Do not let them make you feel like you have to eat more! Eat what means YOU feel good/full!
  • I just had a baby in December and when I went in to have her, I was 180 lbs after being on bed rest for 10 weeks. I lost a good bit of weight after leaving the hospital naturally, but I am not where I want to be. My husband actually fights with me because he says that I "just had a baby" and some people takes YEARS to lose…