lottcj Member


  • I found a recipe for angel food cake mix and you mix it with a 20 oz can of crushed pineapple. It makes really strange batter but it is very good and only 59 caloriea a cupcake. The batter is very light and fluffy--very unlike cake batter. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or ubtil browned. Try it. I think it taste like pineapple…
  • The doctors have told me that even losing 10 percent of your biody weight will bring down your sugar. However, if they were way to high to start with that may not be enough to get them back into the optiimal range. Exercising for thirty minutes brings my sugar down about 50 points immediately. Try testing before and after…
  • It's great as a marinade for chicken. It makes it very tender. Just add your favorite spices and marinate about 4 or 5 hours.
  • I am a 33 year old married gal with no kids too!! and a ton of weight to lose