I feel so much better now, y'all. Thank you so much for the time and effort!!!! You rock!!!! xxE
Heck yes. I love veggies!!! Roasted brussels sprout are a staple. Lately I've been roasting them with a touch of honey mixed in with the oil.... so. yum. xxo!
Awesome. Thank you so much!!! You all are awesome!!! xx E
Okay, I'll check it out, thanks. I will set aside my fear of Reddit for a moment (so much yuck!!). :0 Thanks!!!
Wow. Great!!! I love that this is the response I am getting. I will look up a list of higher protein foods!! Thanks!! xx E
I love that stuff, but I mostly only eat Sheep's Milk yogurt (aka. the single most delicious food on earth) due to a mild lactose unfriendliness.
Wow, awesome!!! Thanks!!! I love the way I'm eating, and if I can keep this up without hurting my heart (or cholesterol levels?) then am all about it. I am hardy ever hungry, and only really get binge-y once a month. ;)
awesome, TomfromNY! I totally relate. I was junking out on pasta and buffalo wings before I got this started. Now its salads and meats... and a hefty mess of fat. I do work out a decent amount these days. I can definitely add more protein (I love protein), but I have no idea why it's low. I eats meat and nuts like a fiend.…
I do eat a lot of protein... but can afford to switch to primarily fish proteins that are lower in fat (buying fish every couple days gets so expensive). I get my protein from nuts, almond butter, beef, cheese, eggs, and turkey mostly. If I shouldn't be worried, then great! It just seems like a serious fat overload.
Just fixed it! Thanks My fat intake can range to 15-80 grams over the suggested each day. I want to keep it at about 20-30 over the suggested. I am okay with a high fat diet, but not THIS high. I am worried about my heart,
Just checking in. I am losing the weight, slowly.... but surely. I am down 11 pounds, working out more regularly, and seeing a definite change in shape and tone. I had a pair of size 16 pants for interviews (they fall almost completely off now)... so thats fun. I might not be able to afford my trainer much longer, so…
I am 5' small. Highest ever weight was 171. I started MFP at 158. I am not sure what the scale says this week, because I don't check very often. I am working with a trainer twice a week, and starting to work out more on my own. I do know that the size 16 pants I bought in July for an interview now fall almost right off. ;)…
I just created the exercise for myself at a low estimate of 40 calories per hour. I am also playing guitar, and moving quite a bit. I figure it's all good if I underestimate. xxE
oh! and my goal weight is 125. I was 138 for years and always a little bummed. I rode my bike cross-country and looked great after, but waaaay over consumed calories, got inactive, and up to 170. Now at 158, ready for a lifestyle change, and 125 sounds like a sweet spot to land.
I am just starting today! 5'0 and 158lbs. Too much weight in my belly shows that food .quality. is a major issue with me. I am cutting out all of the heavy fats I can (without overdoing it and getting the f$&@-its.) Would love to connect with anyone with similar goals! I don't have any friends on here yet, and I'm not sure…