

  • I have always had a hard time drinking water. I was drinking more than a 6 pack of diet coke a day. I decided to just quit cold turkey and drink water. I have noticed that my skin looks better and I feel better. I put cucmbers or lemons in if I want a little flavor.
  • 1. I want to sky dive 2. I love the color pink 3. I love dogs 4. I love to garden 5. I want to learn how to paint 6. I knit 7. I want to ball room dance 8. I can play the sax 9. I am buying a pink kayak 10. I still make snow angels 11. I love to drive fast 12. I hate scarey movies 13. I love to laugh 14. I love to camp 15.…
  • 1. I want to sky dive 2. I love the color pink 3. I love dogs 4. I love to garden 5. I want to learn how to paint 6. I knit 7. I want to ball room dance 8. I can play the sax 9. I am buying a pink kayak 10. I still make snow angels 11. I love to drive fast 12. I hate scarey movies 13. I love to laugh 14. I love to camp 15.…
  • Hello! I am a newbie as well :) I am loving it....the support is great.