Hate water....



  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks everyone for their input. None of the above goes unheard :)
  • I hated water too. I started drinking hot water from the water machine and added powdered lemon and a little bit of honey. I weaned myself down and ended up just drinking plain hot water. Then I weaned myself to drinking plain water. I actually love it! They say it only takes 21 days to build a new healthy habit!
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I have researched the "8 glasses of water a day" myth for years. There are no studies that convince me it's a fact. Lots of things contain water.

    My guess it's a myth put out by the bottled water companies to sell more bottled water.
  • I have always had a hard time drinking water. I was drinking more than a 6 pack of diet coke a day. I decided to just quit cold turkey and drink water. I have noticed that my skin looks better and I feel better. I put cucmbers or lemons in if I want a little flavor.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Add some lime juice to it. If you don't have fresh limes on hand, you can try one of those ReaLime bottles, just squirt a little into your bottle.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    A wise MFP profit once said "I will only bathe in water - I wont bathe in coke, diet coke, teas, etc. Why would I bathe my insides with it?"

    lol @ "profit"
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I hated water too, but it seems like the more I drink the more I actually like it. It's taken a while, but I choose water over coke most of the time anymore. I never thought I would say that since I was a soda addict, but it's true! Just keep trying! Try flavored water!
  • Water helps keep your body full. Sometimes when you full hungry, you're really just dehydrated. Drinking that ~8 cups of water per day helps when you're doing cardio exercise, especially running/jogging. I might suggest doing a bit of research on HEALTHY water flavors. Crystal lite has aspartame, or something like that, but maybe you can find something that's better to mix in with your water to give it better flavour.
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I have a hard time drinking plain water. I've tried putting no-sugar flavor packs in, but I get bored with them after a while.

    Lately, I've wanted to drink more, because I've been consuming too much sodium, but I was going through bottled water like crazy, which isn't cheap or good for the environment (my area doesn't have a recycling program).

    So, I put some tap water in a 2 liter bottle and sat it on the floor next to my desk. I drank maybe 3/4 of the bottle the first day, it didn't taste as good as the bottled water did (not that bottled water tastes great). The next morning, I was a little thirsty when I woke up so, I went to take a drink of the water and when I twisted off the cap, it smelled like pool water, very strong chlorine smell. That didn't exactly make me wanna turn up the bottle and chug it.

    I'm just a bit turned off to water right now and I don't know what to do about it.
  • caroluherek
    caroluherek Posts: 63 Member
    I've never had a problem drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day. However after taking my son to the dentist yesterday my only advice on substituting green tea is make sure you brush your teeth several times a day, he was drinking several cups of green tea every day and they asked him if he was a smoker with all the staining.
  • used o hate water too but now I drink like 4 bottles a day. I started because your body physically needs it! It is important and you aren't truly hydrating without it I dont think! God luck. Try the green tea or flavored crystal lights for a little flavor but still getting sufficient water.
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    I HATE water!!! I do like the Vitawater that's lemonade flavored and am using it to ween myself off soda but would like to get to drink plain water soon. Because it's like $1 for the vitawater, lol!
  • do you like Lemon? I used to add lemon wedges to my water. But I promise.. the more you drink it,, the more you will crave it!! I drink at least 2, 32oz bottles on days I don't work out. Your body will thank you !
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I like making a Whole Pitcher of Water and Cutting up about 2 Fresh Lemons Peel and all and putting in with it. The Lemon Water just tastes better than straight water. The Mio water enhancers aren't too bad the berry pomegranate one is my fav but they tend to taste a bit too sweet to me after drinking them for awhile. In a glass filled up with ice they aren't too bad.The Sparkling H2O Water's aren't that bad either, I kinda like the Lime one.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    A wise MFP profit once said "I will only bathe in water - I wont bathe in coke, diet coke, teas, etc. Why would I bathe my insides with it?"

    Champagne bath? Ok.

  • A wise MFP profit once said "I will only bathe in water - I wont bathe in coke, diet coke, teas, etc. Why would I bathe my insides with it?"

    Not very wise it seems. I'm sure they bathe" their body in bread or pasta..I'm certain they wouldn't take a bath in it though.
  • Okay, Water is boring. My taste buds must be entertained if its going into my mouth; that being said:

    Is it bad that I drink 8-10 cups of brewed green tea or honey lemon tea throughout the day?
    Or should I just pat myself on the back because I am getting the fluids into me.

    Opinions/insights please!

    Tea is like 99.9% water, there is literally no difference in you drinking plain water and tea.
  • dValkyrie
    dValkyrie Posts: 127 Member
    Green tea is delicious and good for you. Just mind the sugars you add or use a substitute you can tolerate. I'd avoid diet sodas though. The acids are bad for your teeth.

    Every visit to the dentist would have some patchwork to be done until I stopped drinking soda every day. Now cleanings rarely require a follow-up.
  • While billions are without safe access to water
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member