

  • First, congratulations on setting some goals and going for it! Anytime you make changes in your life, you're going to leave some folks behind. That's just the way it is. When I decided to go back to college in my 40's, my friends thought I was nuts. They tried to discourage me. I didn't listen, and I went back to school.…
  • I don't know why some people have to put a damper on everything. Your weight loss is very obvious. Your cheek bones are more defined, your chin, neck. You can tell you've lost weight. Keep up the good work. Your co-worker may feel threatened by your weight loss.
  • Thanks @Mokey. I'll look into changing the numbers. I didn't used to have a problem with sodium. My BP was always normal. Ever since I put on a lot of weight, my BP has gone up. I read that even if you lose 5 lbs., you can lower your BP. I really like it here. Thanks for all your input.
  • @Angel, thanks for your reply. I wondered about that. As long as I'm sticking to the calorie portion, I noticed that I'm staying very close to 1,500mg. Have a good day.
  • I guess I didn't word it correctly. When I created my profile, I entered my weight, and how much I wanted to lose. It calculated how many calories I should be eating, and I've stayed within the calories. I noticed under the "sodium" portion, it allowed for a very high sodium content. I just assumed that no matter what…
  • @jfields, You look great! I saw the T25 informercial for the first time. I love Shaun T. Keep up the good work.
  • Congrats, and thank you for your service.
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