huh? is she your reward? i dont get it?
hair dressers and CAKE!!! (after)
what do you do if your making a new shake and drink some and you dont like it? keep drinking the horrible thing or have something else with unknow calorie deficit to make up for?
i think your body is telling you need more by sending you these signals and you should set a calorie goal your self like i did then see how you weight goes over 2 weeks the worst that will happen is you could gain a couple of pounds that wont notice and will go when you give your self a decrease. don't worry about eating…
i hear everyone talking about macros but i have no clue what they are?
most people just blop it on top :/ oh right it is nice mixed in a shake with chocolate spread,icecream vannila and a banana but it turn out caloric
that sounds amazing im going to steal them all hahaha :D have you tried it melted in porridge?
Well, unsweetened almond milk has basically nothing to it. If you really want more protein, just use more powder or make another shake. Milk just has too many g of carbs for me right now that I can hardly drink it (keto). [/quote] i have never had the unsweetened one, it just sounds discussing the though it buying it has…
Well, unsweetened almond milk has basically nothing to it. If you really want more protein, just use more powder or make another shake. Milk just has too many g of carbs for me right now that I can hardly drink it (keto). [/quote] i have never had the unsweetened one, it just sounds discussing the though it buying it has…
at least it mean you could have a piece of fruit on the side :)
really? it is just a sandwich if you dont like hers can you just make your own am i missing out on a joke?
i should make a shake!
wow really i didn't know that!
it is lower in calories (not many people will admit that's their reason) it tastes really nice and makes a change (just like buying chocolate,strawberry or banana milk for children) get more for your calories with the almond flavour (almonds are dense so you only get a few) plus there are health reasons (cant have dairy or…
yes i really do like eating broccoli but i think you should do separate meals or find healthy meals you both like i mean the teen cant only like burgers
yuk i have never had them and never will i just think they are a waste of time...
OK SO I HAVE A KEY! the first tip i gave was very good but no one seemed to listen so what im thinking now is the reason you have a addiction to sugar is because a lot of the foods you like are full of it so i think that you need to work on finding a handful of new faveorite foods that aren't full of sugar
most people say this is making us fat how do we beat it but the thing is i think we shouldn't beat it but we should just control it like set your self a maximum amount of sugar on your diary mine is 120g i know how bad but this is a maximum not a goal and if you want chocolate, apples, dried figs and fizzy cola bottles…
normally stuff mixed with wafer - cadburys time out bars
you don't know enough about her physical + mental health
you need professional help this binging is a phase because you suddenly realised everything that is happening (anorexia) so you allow yourself to eat and can't control your hunger because you have been starved for so long if you are not on a strict ree feeding meal plan you are at risk or a heat attack and also when this…
thanks you guys x and the 15 minute tip will be use full thank you!
what do i do if they drape everything in oil? do they drape everything in oil? is everything they have twice the calories of what we have? i know it sounds stupid but im so scared but your right i will treat myself but im also scared i will gain like half a stone or two inches of my abdominal area of the body
i think you should start of 2000 calories and see what your weight does in the first two weeks and reduce or incresse by 200 calories it is a slow and paticent way. if you are scared of gaining a few pounds dont be because no one will notice, it will shed of when you decrease you calories and also it is highly unlikely you…
i love dried cranberries but i don't eat jam because i dont see it as real fruit
protland sweets seems really cool!
i will have to try raisins and spice like nutmeg and cinnamon but im trying to stay away from too much sugar so honey and brown sugar isn't going to work but almond butter sounds new plus almond flakes... does any one know what i could put with ginger?
what kind of chocolate?
i do like the idea of that it sounds nice
think about what you are doing around munchy times? probably nothing so just find some house work to do or go out the house with a bottle of water, keys and no money for a nice long walk it sounds silly but i do it all the time. your body is going to get cravings just because you simply like to eat (we all do) and also you…