holiday food
i am maintaining my weight and going on holiday for 10days to turkey an all inclusive resort and my mum wont let me bring the scales and it is a help your self buffet thing. i have only ever been aboard once years ago and im scared any tips for maintaining? i was thinking of listening to my bodys instinct to tell me when…
porridge bore need inspiration
i make my porridge with water and i always mix it with peanut butter which is really nice but i fancy a bit of a change.... i don't eat things like flax seeds or sunflower seeds or seeds. also i had read skin peanuts in porridge once but it wasn't very nice cause it was like oats smooth with unexpected balls of deadly…
upset with my body can someone help
im a healthy bmi of 20 but i feel fat and to be honest i look it aswell because i have a tummy like santa and i dont know why... i did a body fat calculator test which came up 28% which is in average range and i thought women needed a higher percentage than men but i just don't know any more
i don't know the calories of cous cous
i really want to make some cous cous at home but the pack says the calories per 80g cooked and 100g cooked so i dont want to weigh the food once i cooked it because i will probbaly make to much and i dont want left overs but i can't see a packet of cous cous that says the calories raw uncooked by the way im in london/uk so…
the alpen light bars are changing
the alpen light bars used to be promoted as 70 calories but now the recipe has been changed! alpen light is no longer... some of the bars are 79 calories or 88 calories! which isn't a lot but i just thought i would tell you all so next time you go to the box check if you have the updated recipe.
i have a really bad cold and i need to know if paracetamol has any calories? im to scared to take one of the liquid meds for my cough in case they have sugar but the paracetamol will be good for the high temp
name a must have food
i have been thinking that a lot of the foods i love! i never see people have like undiscovered treasure! so can you name a food you love but don't see many people having
i want to know my vitimin intake such as which vitamins are in the foods i eat plus how much of them but none of the food labels have them
i need more fat in my diet but im scared of nuts and i tend to have them as a one off like in a fort night if that and i dont like seeds and im not to keen on crisps please can i have some help!
chick pea recipes?
simple easy everyday ingredients like ready made sauce and things but i just basically have no clue what even goes with chick peas all i know it the good nutrition they have so i need help with how to use them p.s do baked beans count as one of my five a day even if i doesn't say it on the tin?
weight of food before and after cooking
my mum is doing a roast and i have looked at the chicken and it says on the pack calories when oven baked and this is a probblem because i cant weight out the food when she serves it up and i can only work out form looking at the pack the how many calories in the chicken per 100g when raw (long story) so i need to know how…
would a 200 calorie mistake gain weight over night?
Would having an extra 200 hundred calories gain weight over night if it didn't turn repetitive and only happened once in a blue moon like never. Like how easy is weight gain? Because I'm scared if i go like 50 calories over my maintenance goal once i will suddenly gain weight over night
trying to speed up my motabilsim
I am currently maintaining on 1700 calories is there anyway I could speed up my metabolism and maintain on 1900 calories without having to do extreme exercise?
Crumpet topping ideas
i was thinking of new quick low calorie things 150-250 kcal like crumpets, pancakes, bread, rolls,brioche and waffles but the only thing i could think of that always works of marmite because it is simple and quick without having to boil eggs of buy in ham that will go off by the end of the week so i was wondering if anyone…
Embarrassed to eat
I'm in college and when its lunch time / break time and this also happens in my own house and with my family!!!!!!! I feel Embarrassed to be seen eating and to actually eat like it is a shame full thing to do even though everyone does it. I thought about liquid drinks instead of food but a slight problem I'm scared of…
limit fat or sugar?
this might sound stupid but im more scared of sugar than fat because i feel sugar is just a energy source and stores up as fat for any energy that isn't used, it does nothing good for my body but were as fat is good for the hormones and bones for some reason i can remember and does lots of other things for the body as well…
How do I see the recipe ideas people make?
Can calories from diet coke and diet Pepsi be absorbed?
Can calories from diet coke and diet Pepsi be absorbed?
Should I be careful of sugar ?
Should I be careful of sugar ? I see it every where and if I try and avoid it my body turns every carb I eat into it! HELP
Cereal! Low sugar types? Please help!
In my diet I have a lot of sugar and diabetes runs in the family so I am trying to be a bit more aware of my intake to avoid getting it later on in life. I like to have cereal for breakfast but I have noticed they are all really high in sugar and that's not even including the milk. I get bored of things like Weetabix and…