holiday food

i am maintaining my weight and going on holiday for 10days to turkey an all inclusive resort and my mum wont let me bring the scales and it is a help your self buffet thing.
i have only ever been aboard once years ago and im scared any tips for maintaining?

i was thinking of listening to my bodys instinct to tell me when im Hungary but i have been telling my self what i need and what im going to have for so long now im just not sure


  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    Half the people on here will tell you to enjoy yourself and the other half will say to "eat clean".

    My opinion is that you should make the best of the choices available and try to keep a log of it on MFP. Treat yourself and have fun, but try to get some exercise in (cardio) to help burn off some of those extra calories.

    Worst case you gain a couple pounds while having a good time (they'll come off quickly when you get back into your routine).
  • jess17587
    jess17587 Posts: 153
    what do i do if they drape everything in oil? do they drape everything in oil? is everything they have twice the calories of what we have? i know it sounds stupid but im so scared but your right i will treat myself but im also scared i will gain like half a stone or two inches of my abdominal area of the body
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I travel a lot - and I'm going Turkey in September.

    Small portions of things obviously high in calories.

    Eat the yummy fantastic 'special' foods first. That's what holiday's are for. Then skimp on some of your other food. On 'all you can eat' buffets, look through them first, THEN fill your plate.

    Straight proteins - grilled meats, etc. Lots of non-starchy vegetables. Skip the breads, rice, and other calorie dense/low nutrition foods to add more space for delicious deserts.

    In Turkey, they have a lot of lovely deserts that are served in SMALL portions. Absolutely eat them. Several in fact. But split them with your mom.

    Do lots of walking, weight yourself when you get home, and go back on a deficit for a little while if you need to. I run up and down hotel stairways if I can't get exercise otherwise.

    Log everything.

    And have a good time. The world will not end if you keep up on it.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Try not to be scared. Be happy you are going on vacation. I understand the worry, but I think you have learned enough on mfp to have the mental tools you need to be ok on holiday. Dont deny yourself treats, but dont go overboard either. Its only 10 days. Enjoy...
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Great advice up there from NXD10.

    I would also add to leave the table satiated but not full if you're eating something very calorie dense. I find that about 10-15 minutes later you will feel full if you do this. I actually lost weight on a 2 week road trip recently by eating this way. We ate out for every meal, many of which were fast food. I deliberately avoided desserts though- I imagine if you do this and eat desserts, you will maintain :-)
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Vacation for me meant no scales, no worries, eating whatever I wanted (since it was all-inclusive) and being as lazy as I wanted to if I wanted to be THAT lazy. ENJOY.
  • jess17587
    jess17587 Posts: 153
    thanks you guys x
    and the 15 minute tip will be use full thank you!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Just enjoy your holiday and eat what you like. Swimming and walking tends to cancel things out for me. Worst case scenario, you gain a pound or two - you can deal with it when you get back :)
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    You are so lucky. The turks have wonderful food. Such a treat. And they love to cook from scratch. I would bring my scale or a measuring cup. Or may be not, Maybe I would just eyeball the portion sizes, but probably I would need to measure and weigh, because I'm relatively new at this.

    You can have a wonderful time. Please do. I want to live vicariously through you!
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Know how you feel. I was nervous about going to Florida, as was in the zone with my food and exercise. We did the parks, I tried to make good choices but didn't let it interfere with the enjoyment, I came back, felt very nervous getting on scales and after being hone a few days I was 6lb lighter than when we left. All the walking..

    We go away soon on a beach holiday which I think will be harder to maintain but I plan to enjoy whilst making the best decision I can but not feeling deprived. I won't be logging as its a break but I equally have no intention of making bad food choices. I will swim, walk but know that it won't be the exercise I get at home ..