KPelrah Member


  • Barney butter is so good! You can get single serving pouches on amazon. They are a great hiking snack. Coconut cocoa is great! So it the one with coffee or espresso powser in it.
  • Have you ever had eggs for dinner on a salad? I had a two omelette with onions, mushrooms and cabot cheese over a bed of baby argula tonight. Im guessing you dont like runny eggs? I will do poached eggs with toast, if yolks dont bug you they add a great rich sauce like element to everything. And egg poached (you can cook…
  • So Ive lost 40 lbs over the last 14 months on WW. I was successful with mfp in the past but joined ww with my mom and sister. MFP has a much better mobil app from what i can tell over the last two days. However, i like the "connect" community feature and really like my meeting group so i will double track through the end…