

  • All these people saying they gained weight while watching what they eat... That just sounds silly to me. Is 20mg of this stuff really enough to defy the simple law of calories in and calories out? No offense, but If you're not counting calories AND have a very educated idea of your TDEE, then you WERE NOT "watching what…
  • You can't fail at losing weight. It's a matter of calories in and out. Keep that in mind. The only thing that can stop you from being fitter and healthier is you.
  • Eat all the protein you can. Especially while dieting to combat muscle loss. As far as all the silly myths about protein, they're myths. Not some, not most, but ALL of the strongest, fittest and healthiest people in the world take in amounts of protein you wouldn't believe. Put it this way, you're not going to accidentally…
  • Honestly, losing weight might just help this disease more than a specialist ever could. Still though, it's good to have one on your side. Let me tell you, I lived in your same exact shoes. I didn't tell my mom for a long, long time and I avoided doctors like a plague. When I eventually went, I felt silly for holding it off…
  • I've had this for over 10 years now. I have literally hundreds of ugly scars from it. Things have been improving slowly though, at least. The problem areas have moved around a lot over the years, it's mainly in my left armpit now. I've improved my diet a lot lately and don't take in much sugar anymore. I'm also not as…