SilverclawMoonmist Member


  • Hey :) I'm super excited to start losing weight and getting in shape! Right now, my starting weight is 169. I am just now checking back in with this group because I forgot that it was starting yesterday, but starting tomorrow morning, I am going to get back to doing my morning jogs when the weather is nice (or at least not…
  • 19, will be 20 in a couple weeks! :) feel free to add me!
  • My advice to you would be once a week, after using the bathroom and before you've eaten anything. Personally I weigh in every Saturday, that way I can kind of gauge how I've done overall for that week. Weighing yourself every day may cause unnecessary anxiety or depression because your weight can fluctuate between 2 and 3…
  • Am I the only one who caught his statement at the end?: "this is just a guide"...come on people, we're not on here to bash. He was just leaving his input and if it works for him, then good. nowhere in there did he say "this is the only way to lose weight." Everybody has different strategies and diet/workout plans that work…
  • Hi, my name is Jessica. I am 19 years old and my goal is to lose about 25lbs. I'm new to MFP (I just joined today), and I'm hoping that this will help me stick to my weight loss plan by connecting with and making new friends, giving and receiving support, and being accountable with other people as I make this journey to a…