1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    [qote]I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me.[/quote]

    You have great insight about people you've never met. Where did you pick up this interesting power?

    People get up in arms because we're sick of seeing very bad information spread around.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    [qote]I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me.

    You have great insight about people you've never met. Where did you pick up this interesting power?

    People get up in arms because we're sick of seeing very bad information spread around.

    I picked up that power by living & being around people. This is bad information according to you, I think we can all agree on the fact that different things work for different people. Just because you don't agree doesn't make it *bad* information.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Also, who cares whether or not a face-to-face conversation on the same topic would go the same way? Does that change what is or isn't true?
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Also, who cares whether or not a face-to-face conversation on the same topic would go the same way? Does that change what is or isn't true?

    I just find it amusing.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    The ONLY people that need to restrict certain foods are those that have medical conditions that require restrictions. In that case, a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist, SHOULD advise those people on what to cut out of their diet. EVERYONE else can (and I would say SHOULD) practice moderation.

    Ummmm, it says what is says. If you don't agree with that statement, cool.
    Geez, I actually thought I was being pretty chill in my comments to you, so if I offended, that was not my intention. Again, best of luck.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Well it's annoying when someone comes on here spouting advice for everyone to follow when that advice is not backed by science. You said what works for some won't work for others. Well guys like OP tell everyone to do what worked for them.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Also, who cares whether or not a face-to-face conversation on the same topic would go the same way? Does that change what is or isn't true?

    I just find it amusing. I'm the same way online & in real life.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Well it's annoying when someone comes on here spouting advice for everyone to follow when that advice is not backed by science. You said what works for some won't work for others. Well guys like OP tell everyone to do what worked for them.

    Well, if you are going to just follow the advice from a total stranger on a message board without doing any research of your own.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Well it's annoying when someone comes on here spouting advice for everyone to follow when that advice is not backed by science. You said what works for some won't work for others. Well guys like OP tell everyone to do what worked for them.

    Well, if you are going to just follow the advice from a total stranger on a message board without doing any research of your own.....
    Look at all the people doing raspberry ketones, HCG, you name it. Of course people believe anything and will do it. The more outrageous it is, the more people will follow it.

    I thought you learned about people by knowing them. Clearly, you haven't met very many people.
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    Wow. 8 pages of replies in only 4 hours.

    Uh.....in a bad place? Lets compare before and after pictures.

    MFP just dropped my calorie goal to 1310.

    The ticker doesn't tell the story, but it DOES confirm it.
    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
    New dude arrives and has all the solutions starting with lemon water and low fat dairy?
    In for the lolz.

    Lowfat cheese is the saddest thing in the world.
    Give me real cheese.


    Amen, give me the real stuff any day. Just watch your portion and count it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Well it's annoying when someone comes on here spouting advice for everyone to follow when that advice is not backed by science. You said what works for some won't work for others. Well guys like OP tell everyone to do what worked for them.

    Well, if you are going to just follow the advice from a total stranger on a message board without doing any research of your own.....

    But some, if not most, people won't. That's why there are others like us here to point out the BS when we see it. You can consider it a public service.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I think saying a 1200 calorie diet is starving is a bit of a broad statement. I am only 5'1. I can not eat as much as someone who is 5'10 and lose weight. I do fine eating 1200 calories and my exercise calories.

    Exactly! I am 5 feet tall...if I were to eat 1700+ calories I would gain. I think my numbers speak for themselves that eating a 1200 calorie diet can work if done properly.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.

    Well it's annoying when someone comes on here spouting advice for everyone to follow when that advice is not backed by science. You said what works for some won't work for others. Well guys like OP tell everyone to do what worked for them.

    Well, if you are going to just follow the advice from a total stranger on a message board without doing any research of your own.....
    Look at all the people doing raspberry ketones, HCG, you name it. Of course people believe anything and will do it. The more outrageous it is, the more people will follow it.

    I thought you learned about people by knowing them. Clearly, you haven't met very many people.

    I've met tons in my life unfortunately & most are pretty predictable.
  • ThisTimeWorks
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've met tons in my life unfortunately & most are pretty predictable.

    Yah by taking an easy route...predicatable...

    That is why when people come to these forums some of us call BS to point out the easy road is not to eliminate this or that but by eating in a deficet.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I just find it amusing. I'm the same way online & in real life.
    Many people have the ability to utilize different sets of behavior and ways of interaction and expectations in different environments.

    But I remember playing D&D when I was a kid and there were always a few kids who couldn't play a character, they were just themselves all the time, and they'd get all butthurt about things that happened to or were said to their character.
  • Inge039
    Inge039 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks SexyStef if there was a "like" button I would be hitting it! Your reply is right on! :smile:
  • SilverclawMoonmist
    Am I the only one who caught his statement at the end?: "this is just a guide"...come on people, we're not on here to bash. He was just leaving his input and if it works for him, then good. nowhere in there did he say "this is the only way to lose weight." Everybody has different strategies and diet/workout plans that work for their body type, so try this method or not. it's your choice, but don't hate on him for it.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    Another really good way to lose weight is to come here and preach. Folks will take bites out of your backside.

    OMG! I love this! Seriously, this topic has been done to death.