streatch84 Member


  • What is this ketosis that you speak of? I just can't wait to make it through till Monday, doctor said I can look forward to adding salad :) I just really miss my fruits and veggies, is that weird?
  • Hi there. I just started Optifast today. Can't believe how hungry I am. I was hoping the stuff would taste better. I know it says you can add flavor to the soups, just not sure what to add as im not much if a cook. Probably partly why im overweight. Taking this one day at a time but a week seems like along time for this to…
  • What are we checking in with? What the scale says, inches lost, etc? What all is involved.....
  • I am currently working through the insanity program, just started following the nutrition guide. After I complete insanity around April I will begin doing hip hop abs. I also incorporate going to zumba every Sunday at the gym (cause I love it & its fun), in with my insanity.