

  • Your goal definitely sounds doable. I have a reward listed for every other mini weight goal. My list of rewards includes a new summer dress, new haircut/color, and nail polishes (I have a serious obsession for them right now.. lol). You can do it! Good Luck!
    in Goals Comment by cl0udy21 July 2011
  • My main goal weight is 130 lbs. Once I reach my goal weight I might go down to 120 lbs. But not sure yet. I just want to look healthy. :smile:
  • The other reason I was so determined to lose with weight lost journey for my husband. I wanted to go back to looking like the first time he met me and to go back to my early high school lifestyle ( I used to love running and being active). And I totally understand your drive, I have 2 nephews, 1 niece, and a 6 month…
  • I hadn't really thought of joining a martial arts gym. It seems like something different and cool to do. I might give it a try. Or I might just sign up to one of those Zumba classes at my local community center. I think being on a team would easily encourage me to keep working out. Thanks!
  • I will try to drink at least 48 oz. of water everyday. This will end with a 336 oz. water consumption by the end of this week. I am really confident about this challenge.
  • My "Burn Baby Burn" challenge was set to 2,000 calories but I only did 1,219 calories. I found out that I need to go back to the "30 day shred" and maybe even a little more dancing on the Wii. This group really helps me try to push myself! :smile:
  • Hey Summer Sweeties to Fall knockout! I am setting my Burn Baby Burn challenge for 2000 this week. I want to push myself since I haven't been doing any exercise these past couple weeks.
  • I agree with the PP. My daughter is only 5 months and during her nap time, I fit in a workout of The 30 Day Shred. You could also try to take an afternoon walk around 5-6pm (I usually go around that time b/c the sun isn't too strong). This may sound silly.. but I sometimes put music (LOUD) and dance around the house with…
  • My name is Claudia (or Cloudy). I am 22 years old. Started MFP early February 2011 Throughout of my life I've been either skinny or a healthy weight. But when I met my husband (a little over 3 years ago) I started to gain weight. Nothing too crazy but going on dinner dates and having such a HUGE sweet tooth all of the…
  • I've never been in a challenge but I'm willing to give it a try.=) Are there certain rules that need to be followed other then posting your weight on Sundays? This is kind of exciting for me... lol