*Summer Sweeties to Fall Knockouts (CLOSED GROUP)



  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Name: Krystal

    Age: 17

    How long with MFP: a year or maybe a little less

    In April 4, 2010 was the first time I started trying to lose weight. I weighed 245! I still am only in the 220s and can't seem to get out of them. My main goal would be to weigh 150 maybe less.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hi everyone

    My name is Keisha I'm a 35 year old mother of two, from the Caribbean....

    My weight loss journey started 14 years ago after having my first son...back then I only had 10 lbs to lose but no matter how hard I tried I just kept gaining weight over the years....Last April I went on the scale and it said 197lbs I sat on the floor and cried, I couldnt beleive only a few months before that was 175.... it was so hard for me to get my head around why I kept gaining weight... So I started walking for 30 mins everyday and I lost some weight...by the time I joined MFP in November I was 185 lbs....

    MFP has taught me alot about how I eat and possible reasons for why it was so hard for me all these years... and although my weight loss have been slow...I've lost many inches, I drink water now, I eat alot better, and over all I am more aware of my body and what I put into it...

    However my exercise routine is not as good as I would like...some weeks I do great and other times I carely get 2 workouts in....kids, work, depression, sickness all can derail my workout efforts...but I need to work harder and be more committed

    My major challenge is to conquer TOM..I can gain up to 5lbs from bloating and sometimes it takes 2 weeks to settle back down... and that can be very depressing.

    I'm hoping this challenge I can get over some of my mental hurdles and get out of the 170's.....
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone! So nice to “meet” some of you already, and looking forward to the others. :smile:

    My name is Val, and I’m a 34- year-old mother and college instructor. I joined MFP in early December 2010 at 175 pounds on my 5'4" frame. Though I worked hard and lost the weight after each of my two pregnancies, I gained about 45 pounds in 3 years despite exercising and trying to make good food choices. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2009 (that explained it!), and it was a year before my medication was at the correct level. Since joining MFP, I had lost 19 pounds, but put a few of those back on during the last month because I lost focus. I had a lot going on at work and home (including losing a loved one). However, I’ve come back, refocused, and lost 2.2 pounds of those 4 pounds I gained. Thank goodness!! So, 16.4 pounds down! I would like to lose about another 30-35 lbs. (Fingers crossed.)

    Wow, can’t believe I’ve admitted to my age and my weight. :laugh: Well, I'm striving for honesty with my fellow Summer Sweeties. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 32
    Height: 5' 6.5"
    MFP member since March; losing since Feb

    I've been overweight my whole adult life, yo-yoing between 175 and 245 since I was about 18. This time around (and the LAST time around) I started at 240 back in January, went back and forth with the same 10 pounds for a couple months, then started taking it seriously in mid-February. Since then I've lost 52 pounds and am on my way! My first goal is 8 more by the end of the month, then 30 more after that without a set timeline yet... sometime this fall, likely.

    Looking forward to my first formal group challenge!!
  • forgiven4life
    Hello everyone! I've really enjoyed reading everyone's story.

    Name: Brandy

    Age: 34

    How long with MFP: about a year I think

    I've struggled with my weight or body image for as long as I can remember. If it wasn't one, then it was the other. I was at a healthy weight when I was in high school (140 lbs but still struggled with body image) and up until I got married at the age of 19. I was in an emotionally draining relationship and that cause me to pack on the lbs over the course of that marriage. I reached my highest weight of nearly 200 lbs by the time that marriage failed. A little while later I met and married my now husband and soulmate :love: and I was able to lose some weight before we decided to have a baby. After that baby I was able to get down to my lowest weight to date since high school, which was about 163 lbs. We decided to have another baby and since then I have not been able to lose the weight. I've been struggling with several stressful events including my youngest being diagnosed with Autism. I've been pouring everything I have into trying to get him better, which leaves no time for me. I work outside of the home, so I am away from home more than I am at home, which I am struggling with too. I feel like I need to be home with my kids so I can manage all the therapy and other doctor appts for my son. I've also recently come to grips recently that I struggle with an eating disorder. Yes, some people who have eating disorders are overweight. :wink: I am a compulsive overeater and binge eater. I eat when I'm bored, happy, sad, frustrated, etc. I eat just to eat. So you can see I have a lot to overcome. But I'm hoping one day, I will break this beast that consumes me. I look forward to going through this challenge with you all. Good luck!
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    Name: Nancy

    Age: Turned 40 this year!

    How long with MFP: 17 days today.

    Only just started 17 days ago but I am on a mission! I feel very focused and thinking about everything I put in my body now. I may not eat the best choices, but I am counting calories and trying to exercise each week. I am moving more then I have in years. I am trying to lose 15 pounds and came here for motivation, support and guidance! Lets get focused and do this. I want to be a Fall Knockout!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    HI everyone! I posted on another thread of this...not sure what happened... Is there two threads going?

    I'll do it again here haha...

    I'm Christie, I'm 28, I'm a mommy of a busy 2 year old, wife, Sunday School teacher, Youth Leader, Praise band singer, Rehabiltiation Counselor by day for high school students with disabilities, Softball coach, among many other things....which has lead me to kind of where I am today. I give all of myself to others and leave no time or energy to take care of me. I have always struggled with weight issues... I am a below knee amputee and have had many health problems including open heart surgery... so often times exercising is a struggle... I lost over 40 lbs one time before doing weight watchers but after having a revision to my amputation and spending months that I couldn't walk and in physical thearpy and sitting at home, I gained all of that plus some back, then got pregnant and life got in the way which has lead me to where I am now.

    I have been on MFP for 2 months now and so far have lost 15 lbs and 14 inches! I have learned through reading the forums that this has to be a lifestyle change, not just a diet... I have also learned alot about me, that I have to make time for me... I'm excited to participate in this challenge! I am excited to get to know each of you during this process! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dmnosu17
    dmnosu17 Posts: 55
    Hi I'm Danielle! I"m 28 yo teacher and so happy to be on summer break, really looking forward to focusing on diet & exercise this summer. I wanna be a fall knockout! I joined MFP in March heard about it from some friends and figured why not give it a try. I have PCOS and have always struggled with my weight. I reached my heaviest in January this year at 245 and said enough is enough I was sick of seeing the scale go up. It's been slow going but I've kept off a total of 10 lbs since Jan and my goal by the end of the year is to get under 200lbs. Looking forward to the motivation and support of the group to accomplish this!
  • Chyrita
    Chyrita Posts: 30 Member
    Hey everyone,
    My name is Chyrita, I'm 53, I been a member of MFP for about 6 months. My weight was up and down during the first 5 months due to me being inconsistent. This last month I have been really committed and found it to be working for me. I've lost 8lbs with 36 more to go to reach my goal. My exercise regimen could clearly use some adjustment, e.g. me sticking to one:o).... I'm really excited about this challenge. I'm looking forward to the support and being supportive to others. I think this challenge will help in keeping me accountable to myself. I know just being on MFP has made me more aware of the food that I put in my body and how my body reacts to the different foods that I eat. I'm moving more towards the philosohy "Eat to live not live to eat".

    Current weight - 190
    goal weight - 155
  • MzJae414
    MzJae414 Posts: 32 Member


    How long with MFP: 05/20/2011

    I've been on MFP for a little over a month. A co-worker told me about the app on my phone I was impressed and starting using it....but when I used it online I fell in love with MFP. I have 54 lbs to go to my goal weight. I have decided to change my life style and become healthier and happier. I am a widow and a single mother of two beautiful girls who are now grown 19 and 23. It's now time for me to get in shape and see what the world has to offer a more slim and trim ME!!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    23 years old
    Member since Nov 2010

    I just got accepted into nursing school, and i have a gorgeous almost 2 year old little girl named Chloe, she is the love of my life and I want to do everything I can to live a healthy lifestyle and raise her with healthy habits. This is my second challenge, as I was a member of the Snowflakes to Sunshine group that Krystle previously created. I look forward to getting to know all of you and can't wait to get started!!!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    BOO! My response was on the thread that got deleted :(

    34 (for another week)
    With MFP for about 6 months

    Mom to a 14-year-old girl with self confidence issues. Wife to a wonderful, supportive man. Geek by trade.

    Grew up fat with a family that picked on me and called me names - Except for my daddy. He's always loved me just the way I am :) Stopped crying about it and started getting pissed off. Had lapband in May of 2010. Not a magic pill or quick fix or any of that. I have to work just as hard as everybody else to lose my weight. It just helps me with not being able to eat a truckload of food in one sitting.

    So far, I'm down 83 pounds. 97 to go.

    Let's do this!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Krys for doing another group/challenge! I really enjoyed the last challenge and your organization of everything was so awesome! keep up the good work!! I am very excited to start the next challenge and hopefully do much better these next 3 months. I reflected back on what I did these last 5 months and meditated on what I need to do differently these next 3 months to reach my 2011 goal of getting under 300 pounds. I have set in motion some things to reach my goals and I am excited to get the ball rolling in the right direction. I am glad you are pushing the measuring too because I hate this but I am going to force myself to measure myself regularly from now on.

    Name: Mollie

    Age: 46

    How long with MFP: March 2010

    I have been overweight my whole life.:grumble: Before I was 20 I was super morbidly obese. Tried many programs, diets, etc and yo-yoed a lot over the years 100 pounds or more lost and re-gained twice from age 24 to 35. In 2004 I had weight loss surgery (RNY) and lost nearly 300 pounds in 1 and half years or less actually.:bigsmile:

    In 200 or 2008 I gradually started to pick back up some of my weight and I never reached my goal weight.:sad: I never got in the 200's.:cry: By February 2010 I had gained back 80 pounds and I was totally depressed and desperate.:brokenheart: :cry: I even reconsidered another surgery. My surgeons office said no and that I my stomach was fine and that I had to get back to basics and that I could lose the rest of my weight without more surgery. :noway:

    They told me I was doing awesome just to have still kept off over 200 pounds. Well I was in the dumps for a minute but I had to do something so I started posting back to a website for WLS patients called ObesityHelp.com and that is where I learned about MFP. So here I am and I must say I have not lost as much as I wanted to lose:grumble: BUT I have not gained weight either since joining and that in itself is encouraging.:smile: I have yo-yoed but I was able to end last year with a loss of 25 pounds and whatever happens this year it will not be a gain either. So from year to year as long as I am not gaining weight I will take it.:happy:

    I am still moving full speed ahead to get to 299 to 295 before January 1st, so I have to get moving because time is not waiting around and it is already June 7th! :ohwell:

    Thanks again to all who have supported me thru all the ups and down :flowerforyou: and I look forward to getting to know more of you as we reach for the stars! :flowerforyou:
  • QTi1
    QTi1 Posts: 3
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Trish, but most my friends call me T. I am 32 years old and joined MFP April 2010.

    I have never attempted a challenge with a group. The first year I did really well with just logging my foods and exercise. It was really motivating watching my weight come off with moderation and working out. I felt so great. I had reached a weight I had been in my teens. My back didnt hurt anymore and I was full of energy. I want to feel that way again.

    Then I hit a slump for the last 6++ months.. Half a** work outs and not really watching my caloric intake, I hopped on the scale every so often and just watched the weight creep up on me, then it came to a point I was just fed up, my clothes fit uncomfortably, my mood was low. I do not like being frumpy, I like being happy, and luckily I have the ability to make this happen. No one can give that feeling that I had except me. So with that said I gave myself a swift kick and here I am. I figured that I should be more assertive, and more active in the boards, So many people here for the same universal goal to be healthy and fit. :D So why not hang out with awesome people??

    Well I am looking forward to this challenge, I wont let my self down. :) especially all you other summer sweeties..
    So excited to start!

  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    Hello Everyone

    My name is Norma


    MFP: member for a little over 2mths now

    I started off having a weight problem about three and a half years ago when my children didn't need me so much anymore i did'nt have a clue what to do with myself so i started watching tv and start eating and before you know it i was up to 203lbs i would walk up the stairs and could hardly catch my breath .in december i really started to get depress and feeling like i was 80 my knees hurt ,i started to get migraine and i went to the doctor he imform me that it had to do with my weight among other things.... stress so i decided to start on a healthy regime i lost 6lbs but the weight wasn't coming off as fast as i would like so the old pattern started showing again ...after my 49th birthday in March i decided to stick to eating right and lay off all the sweets my friend found this website on her phone and to top it off it was totally free (MFP) so i decided to join and her i am my life saver. My first official challenge ya

    Heaviest weight...... 203

    SW: 197.(MFP)
    CW: 185.5
    GW: 140 (by March 15,2012 my 50th) maybe 135 final we'll see how i feel at 140

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/592/8695/5928695.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Hi, everyone! Really looking forward to being part of this great group!

    My name is Stephanie. I'm 44 years old and have been a member of MFP for just under a month. I never had to even think about my weight my entire life, not even after I had my first son...went right back to my pre-baby body (except for the little added hips, which I was glad for). Never gained a pound until I got the depo provera shot. After 2 shots (6 months), I went from 128 lbs. to 165 lbs. and had no idea how to respond to that. So it took years of learning that "diets" don't work at least not for long-term, healthy weight loss and maintenance. So now I'm 10 pounds away from my goal weight. I am loving the support and information you get here on MFP, and I absolutely need to be challenged. I'm just a little competitive :)
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Bump for a bit later when I can share!
  • cl0udy21
    cl0udy21 Posts: 11
    My name is Claudia (or Cloudy).

    I am 22 years old.

    Started MFP early February 2011

    Throughout of my life I've been either skinny or a healthy weight. But when I met my husband (a little over 3 years ago) I started to gain weight. Nothing too crazy but going on dinner dates and having such a HUGE sweet tooth all of the calories were catching up to me and I gained about 25 lbs.:noway: And April of last year, I was determine to start my weight lost journey.Little did I know that 2 weeks later I would find out that I was pregnant. So I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Emilie (Emi) on Dec. 21, 2010. And now I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight but would love to have my high school body back.:wink:

    I have a wonderful husband, an amazing baby girl and a supportive family that helps me through anything. And this year I got accepted to the Education program and will continue my dream of becoming an Early Childhood educator. :happy: Now I just need that high school body to go with it. :laugh:

    I am ready for this challenge and to meet all of you wonderful people! :blushing:
  • journey2size10
    you have been through so much at such a young age! good luck to you in all of your goals and see you at the finish line :flowerforyou:
    Hey everyone!
    My name is Mel, and I am 21!
    MFP will tell you that I have been a member since 2009; but I've had a roller coaster life, so everything has not exactly gone as planned.

    In 2008, I was my heaviest at 190, then using MFP, I dropped to around 175 by the summer of 2009, which was actually a big difference since my goal weight is around 150. But, my health got worse. I was really really sick during the fall semester of 2009, and then I had a kidney transplant in January of 2010. During that ordeal, I was back up to 185.

    Then, I took it easy during the Spring 2010 semester, and starting working out hard again over the summer of 2010. It was REALLY hard to lose any weight because my medications (9 of them, at the time) all caused weight GAIN. So, by the end of the summer AND fall, I had dropped to 177.

    Then, I got REALLY sick starting in December of 2010. I was comatose for about a week during Christmas-time, and was lucky enough to receive a second transplant since the first kidney had failed.

    Now, in terms of my health, I am stable and seem to be doing all right. Just little problems here and there, nothing too major.

    But I'm back up at 190 pounds! :-( :-(

    I now take 12 medications daily and my team of doctors told me it is probably unrealistic to try to lose weight right now, but I am determined to prove them wrong. I may not lose weight as fast as anybody else, but i'm still going to try my hardest.

    I need all the support you can provide. As you can see just from that ONE story, I have been through a lot in 21 years...

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!!!

  • fitsherry
    fitsherry Posts: 86
    Name: Sherry

    Age: 38

    How long with MFP: a little over 2 weeks

    I’m recovering from a neck injury that caused pain and misalignment in my entire body. I am very motivated to get rid of this excess weight so my body doesn’t have the extra strain and can eventually fully recover. I also believe that I am gluten intolerant. I didn’t want to believe it for a long time, my blood test even came back negative. I have not had gluten since I started MFP (May 24) and can tell a big difference. My skin is clearing up, my stomach is flatter, and I lost 4 lbs the first week without doing anything different. So I am on a mission to eat healthy and get stronger so I can feel good again.