*Summer Sweeties to Fall Knockouts (CLOSED GROUP)

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Hello everyone! For those of you that signed up for the challenge...THANK U and I look forward to sharing this leg of your journey with you! We have a lot of participants 113 to be exact and I just want everyone to introduce themselves:



How long with MFP:

And whatever you would like to share about yourself and/or your journey so far.

For those of you that this is your first challenge, you will find two things: 1) we will probably end up with less than 50% of those who started by the end 2) You will gain great relationships and support from awesome people.

I do ask that each week everyone weighs in on the spreadsheet (which I will explain on Monday), that you actively participate as much as you can, that you keep it positive towards other participants, and that you stay committed to not just the group, but more importantly yourself. We are all here for a reason and whenever you feel down or like quitting, remember that you have a team here to support you! :)


  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I will go first...lol

    Name: Krystle or Krys

    Age: 25

    MFP Member for a year now

    About my journey...I started off at my heaviest at 266lbs after having my son. It took almost 2 years for me to decide to change my life, I had gained 100lbs in a span of 5 years and was extremely disappointed due to the fact that I had been an athlete all my life and then I ended up obese! I joined MFP and really liked the idea of logging, gaining support and being able to help others. On my journey I decided that I wanted to write a motivational weight loss book (In progress) and help others see that changing your life is very possible but also 80% mental. It was on MFP that I was approached by another MFPer about becoming a BeachBody Coach, because she had been looking at how I led a previous challenge group and thought that I would be great at coaching others...well it was this that truly helped me to see that my passion is helping people obtain optimal health and happiness through exercise, proper nutrition, and paying it forward to others. So here I am.. Mommy, "wifey", BeachBody Coach, and everything else in between and I am here to help any and everyone that I can :)


    Thanks ttv2004 for the fun graphic! Love it!
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Hello everyone....My name is Tana and I've been with MFP for almost a year. I'm 8-15 pounds away from where I would like to be. Realisticly more like 8, I'm not sure if I could sustain 15. I've pretty much plateaued for months now. I'm a triathlete but swimming is my weak area. I've done 5 half marathons and am registered for many more this year including my first full marathon in Savannah, GA. I'm looking forward to this challenge and hopefully getting off those few pounds.
  • journey2size10
    Hey all!
    Im 33 yo teacher (yaa summertime) and have been on MFP since April of this year and lost almost 10 lbs since that time. I started my journey 2 years ago and still struggling to lose the last bit of weight. I love the support I have been receiving since I joined and know all the "friendly" competitions will help me reach my goals! I've split my goals into 10# increments and ultimately would like to reach 170#. 39 lbs down, 35 lbs to go!
  • Chynadoll00
    Hi everyone. My name is Michele and I am 30 ... 31 next month, I've been on MFP for a little over a month. I have 46 lbs to go to my goal weight. I have done a lot of dieting and this time for me is IT! I am changing my life style and becoming healthier and Happier. I really want to be an inspiration to people, I am so excited this is my first Challenge I have a really good feeling that Finding MFP and all the Wonderful people is going to help me become a better person! I got to my biggest weight of 225 about 2 years ago and lost appox. 50 and gained about 35 of it back I have a passion in me to get rid of my fat because God knows I am not that attached to it! lol. sooo buhbye FAT.:smooched:
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello lovies!

    I am Ang. I am a SAHM right now with three kids (10, 9 & 2). My highest weight was 247 lbs. I had gastric by-pass 5 years ago and got down to 151 before un-expectantly getting pregnant with my little princess. I had to break most of my WLS rules and got some incredibly bad habits in order to gain the weight I needed to, to have a healthy pregnancy and breastfeed. I always thought that as soon as I got "serious" again the weight would just fall right back off. That SOO has not been the case. I have been seriously logging since March. I LOVE working out and am pretty committed to getting in 6 days a week 45 min workouts. I am recovering from back problems including a tilted pelvis and strained SI joint. With a lot of PT work and a diligent stretching routine I am now able to run AND sleep without pain. If I could keep my food clean I think I would be able to reach my goals of decreasing my body fat by at least 15% and getting into a size 6. I think weight wise that would be about 145lbs for me. Can't wait to get to know yall!
  • beachgirl667
    beachgirl667 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I'm Julie, I'm 43 years old. I have been active on mfp since March. I have found some wonderful, encouraging, inspiring friends on mfp and it has made ALL the difference in my battle of losing weight. I am very excited about this challenge. Just wish I would have started this a little sooner so I would have been ready for summer BUT better late than never! LOL! Feel free to add me for encouragement. I will be there for ya, just as everyone has been there for me:) Let's Do This!!!
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    Hey my name is Melinda I have been on MFP since about a month ago, I am 28 years old, my goal weight is to lose 71 pounds but for the summer 20 pounds or so. I am a mother of two and work outside the home, bit I truly want to be home so when I am home all I want to do is be with them. So it's very hard to get me time but hubby gave me some ideas because I have just started walking and I will walk with them! I hope to be able run at least half a mile by the end of the summer which I can't run hardly at all. I feel so alone in my journey even though I have great support from my husbands and friends but either but I don't think they understand or it's not an issue for them, but that could just be me. I am doing this because I feel like my weight is holding me down, not having enough energy for my babies and I want to be able to be active with them. I can't wait to get to know you ladies!
  • bradylover12
    bradylover12 Posts: 18 Member
    Name: Nicole or Nikki

    Age: 21

    How long with MFP: about a month

    About a year ago I had surgery on my thyroid because my doctor had found a tumor. By the grace of God it was not cancerous, but I still needed to have 1/2 of my thyroid removed. It was a difficult process to cope with because I was not allowed to work out for 4 months. I began my weight loss in Jan., but with school and work and all the stress I was only able to loss 2 lbs. I decided once school finished I would dedicate my summer to getting back into the healthy and wonderful shape I was. I had hit my highest weight which was 175 and now I am at 165. I am looking forward to some great friendships and motivation! Lets do this :)

    HW: 175
    SW: 170
    CW: 165
    GW: 140

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Yary
    Yary Posts: 28
    Hi all, I'm Yary. Ive been a mfp for quite a while. I joined back in Feb of 2009 and was able to lose 60 pounds in 10 months with the help of mfp. I was a college senior at the time and became consumed with the stress of graduating and entering the real world that I gained all the weight back. Things are going well now and Ive decided that I must take focus on my health again and lose the weight again. I am looking forward to this challenge as it is my first one. I completed my weightloss journey last time by using all the tabs except the community. I am going to change it this time around. I hope to learn and stay motivated with the help of all.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Name: Whitney
    Age: 25
    How Long with MFP: About 2 years, on and off; The last 16 months consecutively! :smile:

    My story: I have always been on the heavy side, the last time I weighed less than 150 lbs was when I was 12 years old. Before I got married in January 2009, I went from 212 lbs to 185 lbs, then gained it all back plus some. After realizing that I wouldn't be fully happy until I was at a healthy weight, I started my weight loss journey again on April 25th, 2010. My starting weight was then 225.8 lbs, and since then I have lost almost 40 lbs, 19 of those pounds were lost in the last challenge with this group, the Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge! :smile:

    More than anything I'm ready to reach my goal weight, to live an active, full and healthy life and give my body the fuel to keep to going for decades to come. I am so glad that I have decided to do this while I am still young so that I can teach my kids (whenever they come) about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, so that hopefully they can avoid the struggles I have had for 25 years.

    I am in New Mexico at Philmont Scout Camp this summer and I have spotty internet access, so I will get on as much as possible, but it won't be very much until I'm back in Kansas City in August.

    I'm excited about this challenge!! :smile:
  • dara516
    dara516 Posts: 68
    Hello All!

    My name is Dara Delgado

    I am 28 years old

    I have been on MFP for since February 2011

    I have never been what anyone would call "skinny" but I maintained a relatively healthy weight, even if unintentionally. After I met my husband in 2005 and began grad school I noticed that I was beginning to back on the pounds. By our first year of marriage I was clinically obese. This past January I weighed in a whopping 230lbs, my highest weight ever. The weight both impacted my self-esteem and my health. Consequently, I made the standard New Year's Resolution, and have been committed ever since. Before MFP I lost 20lbs on my own. Since joining I've lost an additional 33lbs. While I am about 50lbs away from my goal weight, I am currently focused on losing 17-20lbs (preferably by Aug/Sept), which will put me in a healthy weight class.

    I look forward to supporting and celebrating with all of you! Best of luck everyone!
  • tharoon
    tharoon Posts: 4
    hi im tharoon 22yrs,been a member for a month now....hope i get motivated n continue in this site for a long time:)
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    Age: 31

    How long with MFP: Almost a year

    And whatever you would like to share about yourself and/or your journey so far.
    I have been heavy all of my adult life. I was doing well at the beginning of the year but my father passed away in March and I had given up my weight loss efforts. I have three kiddos and am a stay at home mama. I love it! I am now ready to get back to focusing on myself. My dad was young, 54 and I want to be able to live a longer and healthier life and I know that if I continue not making myself a priority then that won't happen. A girlfriend of mine suggested that we do a half marathon next year and I want to do it! It would be amazing to accomplish something that not everyone does - and for myself to be able to say that I did one would be amazing! I needed this challenge - thank you!
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    Name: Nadine

    Age 26 (27 on June 21st) Im getting old lol

    Joined Mfp: May 31st

    I have been over weight all my life my heaviest at 274. I werent small, but after having my son i was around 200lbs and went up to 260. I couldnt get the weight off. its been 4 years now and I have been through almost everything. lost around 30lbs on WW, but just never stuck to it so I put it back on. I joined this site through a freind mainly because it was free, i was willing to find anything to help me. But after a few days I noticed changes in my food choices and more importantly friends on here. The support is outstanding and it makes me want to keep going cause i know there are people out there who are going through the same thing and some who have been through it stuck with it and achieved great results. Im ready for this change and thanks to mfp and this first challenge i know I will succeed.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi All,
    My name is Christina. I am 43 years young. Mom to a 7 year old girl who believes she knows everything and married to a great man who supports me in getting healthy. I am at my halfway point. Started at 233. Today am 197. Goal weight 165 (or so).

    I joined MFP several years ago but never really used it until I rededicated myself to getting healthy on December 28th 2010. I actually started up again trying to prove to my husband that I was a weight loss failure and wanted to show him that I couldn't lose weight and needed gastric bypass. Turns out I can lose weight!!!!

    This is my 2nd challenge. I did the S2S challenge and loved it. I seriously doubted I would stick with it, as I never follow through with anything diet related... and here I am really looking forward to this challenge.

    I am looking forward to this challenge.... Bring it!
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Bump...I'll come back and share later!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hey everyone!
    My name is Mel, and I am 21!
    MFP will tell you that I have been a member since 2009; but I've had a roller coaster life, so everything has not exactly gone as planned.

    In 2008, I was my heaviest at 190, then using MFP, I dropped to around 175 by the summer of 2009, which was actually a big difference since my goal weight is around 150. But, my health got worse. I was really really sick during the fall semester of 2009, and then I had a kidney transplant in January of 2010. During that ordeal, I was back up to 185.

    Then, I took it easy during the Spring 2010 semester, and starting working out hard again over the summer of 2010. It was REALLY hard to lose any weight because my medications (9 of them, at the time) all caused weight GAIN. So, by the end of the summer AND fall, I had dropped to 177.

    Then, I got REALLY sick starting in December of 2010. I was comatose for about a week during Christmas-time, and was lucky enough to receive a second transplant since the first kidney had failed.

    Now, in terms of my health, I am stable and seem to be doing all right. Just little problems here and there, nothing too major.

    But I'm back up at 190 pounds! :-( :-(

    I now take 12 medications daily and my team of doctors told me it is probably unrealistic to try to lose weight right now, but I am determined to prove them wrong. I may not lose weight as fast as anybody else, but i'm still going to try my hardest.

    I need all the support you can provide. As you can see just from that ONE story, I have been through a lot in 21 years...

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!!!

  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Be back later ... car going to the doctor... lol
  • JayandBrensMommy
    JayandBrensMommy Posts: 116 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    My name is Bridgett. I am 24 years old. I have a daughter that is two and a half. I joined MFP back in October used it for a couple of weeks then just stopped. I came back on March 23 and have been logging religiously everyday ever since. I have lost 35 pounds thus far I still have 90 pounds to go. I have been overweight ever since I can remember. After I had my daughter I just kept gaining I got up to 275. I knew it was time to do something then. I am 3 pounds away from weighing what I weighed when I had her and I am so excited about it.

    This is my first challenge I look forward to this and it is nice to meet all of you!!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Name: Toni

    Age: 24 almost 25

    How long with MFP: I have been here over a year with a few periods of stopping in between.

    And whatever you would like to share about yourself and/or your journey so far.
    For me I found that the most important thing for my body is what I put into it. I need to focus more on clean eatting and making sure my net calories are at 1200. I know thats the formula for my body to loose weight its the struggle of sweets, chips, going out to eat, etc. that I need to beat and find a healthy balance with. I am very excited for this challenge. I was a S2S with Krystle and she is amazing, a great leader, and most of all true inspiration. I had a lot of changes goinig on in my life during our 5 month challenge and I was still able to loose 10lbs. I recently go engaged and am looking forward for this challenege to help me meet my goal of 30lbs before getting ready to go dress shopping.

    For anyone that is new to MFP WELCOME, this website is a great source of knowledge for achieving your goals. Feel free to add me!