

  • I am starting over again also, I havent been on here in over a year. I just had a baby in november and am 20+ pounds from where i would like to be. I am looking for friends and support also, anyone can add me so we can all support each other. Good luck to each of you!!
  • I am new to all of this also and I am looking for motivation and support as well. I am always up and down weight wise, and recently been more up due to quitting smoking but I am ready for more lifestyle changes to just keep getting healthier! I am looking for friends on here to help keep each other motivated and moving.…
  • I am always looking for support and motivation, I am looking to just maintain and loose a few more pounds. I am working on life style changes and have found that mfp is helping with tracking daily food intake. I have also reintroduced exersize into my life after 10+ years out of the loop and I love it, I feel so much…
  • i have a problem with motivation also! that is an excellent quote. good luck! :happy: