
Even though I've been a MFP member for a while, I still feel 'new'. I saw a quote today that totally suits my mood - "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." ~Zig Ziglar. Very cool. I can do this.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • Labcoathipster
    Yahoo! You can do it, especially with the support of everyone on here!
  • cmull328
    cmull328 Posts: 10 Member
    Love it! That's a great quote! I've been feeling the same way.
  • Ken_Roper
    Ken_Roper Posts: 51 Member
    Keep on keepin' on! :-)
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    That quote is so very true. I Love it and need to remember it at all times.
  • GabriellaFabulous
    If I've discovered one thing in life is that success starts with discipline, not motivation! Motivation comes and goes and is entirely unreliable! It also tends to come after you've been applying discipline for awhile. Good luck to you and I wish you success with your goals!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    You can do this! Just keep sight of your goals.

    I think you did the right thing!!! Everyone gets busy doing their own thing and we don't realize all the people out there that need encouragement and motivation. I'm totally going to learn from your example. The next time I need motivation, I'm gong to ask my MFP family for it!
  • jessermay
    i have a problem with motivation also! that is an excellent quote. good luck! :happy: