After graduating from college last may I was unemployed for six months while living at my parents house. Definitely not ideal. I had to tell myself to just go for a walk. Eventually, I told myself I would walk in workout clothes. Finally I convinced myself to jog/run while walking. Good luck! If I can find a job so can you!
I do research for a private-company which means I sit at my desk all day long. My little trick for trying to move is that I drink A LOT of water and so I walk to the farthest bathroom about every hour. I'm sure everyone at my office thinks that I have a bladder problem. :smile:
I hear you Kristy! That is definitely the hardest part for me, especially trying not to have a beer during the NCAA tournament. Pure torture!
Here is the circuit workout that I do once at least once a week. Keeps my blood pumping and really makes me sweat. Alternate between the cardio loop and one of the strength training regions. Make sure not to take any breaks unless you have to! Level 1=leisure walk and Level 10=super human abilities Cardio Loop: Walk 2 min…
I'm no cooking expert, but I always can find good recipes at Hope that helps!