

  • So i've been on here for a week and lost my first pound! I know it's not much, but it's a start :smile: Lately it seems like all i've done is gain pounds, so ill take a loss any day. I went over my calories twice this week, but im still eating less than I was a week ago. And next week I start working out 5 days a week, so…
  • Well good luck to everyone, I have faith in all of you. I've tried counting calories before, but it was SO tedious and I never stuck with it. This site makes it so much easier, and even though I've gone over my calories twice now, I lost a pound this week, and I haven't given up! My cousin is a personal trainer, and she's…
  • Hi, so this is my 2nd day on MFP, and Im so glad I found this group! Im 25, and Im looking to lose at least 35 pounds. I started working out last week, and began a diet change this week. So far so good, but I haven't weighed myself. Im terrified to actually, because if I didn't lose weight that would be tough. Anyway, I…
  • Walking outside is a great idea, especially if your weather is around mid forties or more. I work out in the gym 3 days a week, and at home twice a week. I keep a workout video so that I wont talk myself out of exercising just because I want to stay in lol. Right now Im doing The Biggest Loser Cardio Max, which is great…