

  • When in a hurry, I use the ziplock zip-n-steam bags to prepare individually frozen fish fillets (tilapia, white fish etc.) that you can get at any grocery store. The whole meal is usually done within 4-6 minutes depending upon the size of the fillet. Surprisingly enough, the fish turns out flaky. Because I'm steaming, I…
    in Fish Tacos Comment by revdris April 2011
  • You really look great! I want to thank you for posting your pics. I am your height and started at 340. I've been a little concerned about what I would look like at "ideal" weight. It was very inspiring to see you along the same road I'm traveling. From one curvey fox to another - WORK those fine legs!!!!!! :laugh: It's…
  • O'Charleys has it in a binder in the back. If you ask the server can bring it out for you.
  • I didn't read all of the replies so if someone already said this forgive the duplication. I want to note the change in your countenance. You look so much more confident and happier. I think that deserves celebrating. Congrats on all of your hard work paying off for the world to see.
  • Thanks for all of the comments. I sleep better after I workout at night, but I've heard that the best way to jump start my metabolism is by working out in the morning. I'm going to try some of these suggestions over the course of the next week.
  • I was borderline depressed over this concept when I looked at a chart that said my ideal weight was 145lbs (considering I don't know when I ever weighed that - my first scale memory was being 150lbs in 8th grade). A few weeks ago I went to the doctor and had a discussion with her about obesity & ideal weight (I was 340lbs…
  • I have been adding raw foods into my diet for the last 9 months. I would love to join you for a raw day.
  • Hello everyone - I'm new to the site and a little overwhelmed. I maxed at 340 and my doctor told me I need to get down to 190. That seems unfathomable right now. I need some friends to help a newbie like me get going. I love this site, recording everything I eat has been an eyeopener.