

  • Oi, you posted this exact same thread in Etsy. Your thread got taken down, but I saw a lot of inconsistencies. I bet you're a troll, OP. And if you had the TV taken away, then you probably did something (either with or without realizing) to have it taken away.
  • From what I've eaten so far today (all logged), I've got a stomach ache and know that if I keep eating up to the nearly 1,800 calorie goal, I'll be so tired tomorrow. The last few days since eating around that amount, I've felt terrible...I don't usually take naps and I've been napping a lot, sleeping around 11 hours and…
  • I know there's no rule about having to do it this way, I was just hoping that I'd find a better way than what I'd been doing before. I've been at a steady weight now for a while after losing 60+lbs. The thing is, the way I lost the weight before wasn't the healthiest. I was dealing with an extreme amount of stress over a…
  • It's just so frustrating to ask for help and hear a bazillion different answers about what I SHOULD be doing. Almost not worth the stress.
  • I've done a few different calculators...even posted on here about my BMR/TDEE numbers and I'm getting so many different answers that I'm getting so frustrated by everything. How do I figure out my burn numbers from my exercise and food info? By if I'm losing weight? Up until the last few days, I've been logging everything.…
  • Thanks for the advice and the mathematical breakdown of things. I'm aware a HRM won't give me the numbers I need, so I was hoping there would be something around that could track my calories some way. I was hoping to use something while I'm exercising and while I'm just doing my daily routine (like cleaning house, going…
  • I haven't had my BF checked in a while, but last I knew it was somewhere around 38-43. I have a fair bit of muscle and a thick bone structure. I should get the BF checked again at some point.
  • Hey, Mr. Knight....I set the incline at 15% and go at a speed of 2.8 to 4.5 miles an hour. I push myself to do this pace and really work up a sweat. I'm not sure what 'shape' or 'condition' I'm considered to be in (how is that even really determined?), but I know that I'm doing fairly well compared to others my size. I…
  • I'm using a treadmill that has a HRM reader on the handles as well as an option to input your weight info and age. The mass that I have to move is about 222lbs and I'm 5'9. I think I'm just going to invest in a calorie/HRM device and just use that to see how accurate things actually are and what I'm burning on average…
  • Well, depending on your weight at 5'4, that could be the big difference between you and I. I'm at a constant incline on the treadmill with no downhill at all like you'd get with walking on hills (up and down, etc). I'm not sure what you'd consider moderately intense, but I am usually sweating A LOT by the end of the 20…
  • That's what I've been hearing over and over (right along people advocating eating 1,200 calories too...not sure which to believe). But my previous post explains my situation with not eating enough. Yes, not eating enough over a long period of time can really screw your body up, bring on an eating disorder, change your…
  • Well, we do get older, we change, our preferences and mental states change. I had a huge growth spurt when I was around 10ish that made me 20 inches taller...I was stuffing my face to compensate and never did. I did cut back on things but my boyfriend (now ex) ate really terribly and I did the same. Didn't really think to…
  • RoyBeck: I know guys burn more calories than women in general...and it does depend on your weight too. I'll knock 30% off for calories next time I exercise and just stick to that number until I can get a HRM. do you 'quote' people?
  • RoyBeck: I do scale down a bit. If it says 325 or 350 calories, I count that as if it's a 300 calorie burn. Do you have any idea about how much the machines could be off? Are they usually double what you actually burn?
  • Coral_B: Thanks for your input on this. I decided I'm going to try and force myself to eating at a higher BMR, If I start losing weight, that'd be wonderful. Once you upped the BMR and ate back your exercise long did it take you to start losing the weight? 1lb every 10 days would be great at this point but…
  • Also, why would MPF make their goals thing so confusing then for me to eat at? That's the irritating part that they want me to end up at around 1,270cals after everything is all said and done. That info is all wrong then?
  • Mokey41: I'm not sure how I'm coming off as having my 'mind set on doing this my own way' or am being stubborn. I'm explaining that I'm measuring as accurately as I possibly can and how things are CURRENTLY being done. I'm not an idiot and have done as much reading as I can possibly think of but there are some things that…
  • i_will_end_you: "There is no way you aren't losing weight eating at such a large deficit." That's kind of why I'm here...trying to figure out WHY I wasn't losing weight at that deficit. I mentioned before that I measure and scoop and use a scale to figure things out with calories. I read labels a lot, double check…
  • loneafflictio: I'm logging as closely as I possibly can. Sometimes you can't log accurately if you eat out somewhere that doesn't have a nutritional list available. I eat good quality food for the most part, so if I can't find nutritional info on something (like grilled salmon with rice and veggies), I'll look at a bunch…
  • EHisCDN: So, according to this information I shouldn't be eating any less than the 1993 calories? I think I might make myself sick trying to eat more, it makes my stomach hurt to think about it. :( I have the thing set to about 224 (which I forgot to update)lbs. Goal weight is 180, height is 5'9, Female, 27 years old,…
  • I've been eating properly for the last year almost, so that can't be it. The 65 lbs was from about a year ago. I am not under-estimating either, I've been doing a lot of counting and double checking everything and filling out my diary on here. I also go by the calories that the treadmill suggests I burn (I'm not counting…
  • Is there anyone who has more advice for me in regards to my previous posts? I really don't have access to a personal trainer, so it's kind of out of the question. :(
  • I really wish that hiring a trainer was an option but finances are unbelievably tight. I'd use the trainers/classes they have there, but Clay and I go after he gets home from work which is around midnight until 1-2am. No one is really there to get advice from and I'm not comfortable bothering other gym-goers and taking up…
  • Sweet, thank you so much!!!
  • And how do you guys get that Fitness Pal thing below your posts? I've looked at the instructions (I gave it the info it wanted) but where does the code go?
  • I was kind of figuring that much about the tea...but it always helps to check, never hurts!! I do agree with counting the calories from the tea and the sugar content (even if it's a low amount, I know every little thing can add up from the oil you cook with to the sugar in your drink). Ok, so if tea is perfectly acceptable…