PhD110 Member


  • been using a standing desk for years. I don't know if it helps with weight- it's pretty negligible the diff bt standing and sitting. But it so much better for your back. You don't need to pay extra for materials- use a bookshelf and adjust the shelves Or pile a few books or blocks on your regular desk or a dresser if…
  • You are all such stunning women before and after. But it's amazing to see how much younger everyone looks when they have lost a bit of weight! Congrats to you all!
  • small frame GW: 110 +/- 5lbs depending on muscle mass At my GW I'd be around a UK4/US0 but even when I am that weight I still have a generous amount of fat on my stomach, hips and legs. I don't look boney at ALL. I think I would only start looking boney if I dropped below 100.
  • 5'4'' very small frame I have been between 108-145 - I fluctuate a lot. I never look really heavy, but I don't even look really thin either because I have such a small bone structure. I would say that even at 110 I have rolls of fat. Like serious rolls of fat. It really depends on frame, bone density and muscle mass. I…
  • PhD here, 4th year. My weight has fluctuated so much during grad school- 110-145! I tend to lose weight and gain weight very quickly. Looking to practise a healthier lifestyl but it's super difficult on a grad school schedule. add me!
  • phd in planning! 4th year!
  • PhD student here. my weight has fluctuated a lot in grad school due to stress; unstructured schedule; breakups; and dealing with depression and former ED. Grad school is super stressful and kind of isolating- which is kind of a tough thing to go through when also trying to manage weight. Feel free to add me!