

  • Thank you all so much! You all have so many good tips, and I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me. I don't have so much money, so I have asked for a gym membership for Christmas, so I won't be able to start weight training until then. Any other tips than insanity and 'less' food that I can do until then?
    in Help? Comment by fatfez November 2013
  • Thank you! I have a pretty hectic schedule as well at the moment, but I think I am going to try do the workout before school, when I usually sleep anyways :D Thank you!
  • Thank you all so much! I am so much more motivated now, because now I know I might get results even though I can't follow the nutrition guide.
  • Hi! I am an exchange student, and have gained some weight since I got here. I exercise 4 days a week with football, but it is not very high intensity. I really want to loose some weight and become more fit, as it would help a lot on my football as well as my confidence. I am 5'6" and weigh 172 pounds at the moment - which…
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