

  • Thanks for all the support. I’m familiar with most of these techniques (after a lifetime of weight loss struggle) but it’s good to be reminded, especially about the water, fiber and teeth brushing. I eat small regular meals though the day and save a small amount of calories for evening. I rarely have high calorie snack…
  • I want to look better the next time I perform. I hate the photos of the last time - all I can see is my stomach sticking out. I want to wear something slinky at a holiday show where I'm doing a solo.
  • Hi. My name is Maris. I've been an RN for 38 years. I was at my heaviest during my 30s-40s and finally started losing weight 10 years ago. It's an ongoing struggle though and my weight is creeping upwards again. The holiday season is coming and I'm anxious!