kelseylyates Member


  • Thank you for this, I never really considered stress a factor and I also have a very stressful job that I started 3 years ago coincidentally when I started gaining all the weight so that would definitely make sense. I'll have to seriously consider ways to reduce it. As far as protein, I have only recently cut out meat/eggs…
  • I don't use a food scale but I would say I average between 1200-1500 calories per day. I am 31 years old, 5'5" and am stuck at 140lbs, I would like to be at 125-130lbs which is what I have been most of my young adult life and what I am most comfortable at. I don't have any medical conditions. I gained 20lbs over 3 years…
  • I have been on Tri Cyclen for about 3 years now and I have gained a total of 20lbs since then. I have managed to lose 5lbs from diet & exercise but I definitely think it is a contributing factor to why I am not able to lose more weight. I eat very healthy and exercise regularly but the weight still won't budge. It is…