lkpducky Member


  • Better than a Typhoid Mary /darkhumor
  • I ran outside at around 9:15 am - didn't see anyone at the condo complex grounds except for a couple of people walking dogs, although later I saw a couple walking together and a man walking with a little boy (they all kept a distance from me). I ran a loop within a nearby community college and only saw 6 other people (on a…
  • AACK!!! my stubborn 94-year-old mom went out grocery shopping this morning! "I had to go, I don't want to starve" Me "We're ordering food to be delivered to you" Mom "Everyone was wearing masks" DH "Did you?" Mom "No, I put it on and it was uncomfortable" DH "I'm going to come and nail your feet to the floor!" Mom "I have…
  • Let's see how soon this test can be mass produced and sent out in high enough numbers
  • And the pharmacy would not deliver. We did maximum PPE and decontamination.
  • We're in our early 50's and in good health - although he did have some sort of bug that he caught in the last week of January with an on-again-off-again temperature, sore throat, no expectoration, and strong fatigue and tightness of breath (not severe but it was there). For all we know, he could have had the virus! but…
  • My husband is using these to make protective gear - if any of you have comments or think it should be improved, please indicate: Long sleeve cheap disposable poncho with hood. clear thin plastic sheet (art shops should stock it). air purifier HEPA filter (use double layer, 90 degrees rotated from one another if corrugated)…
  • The community college a half mile away from me has a 1.4 mile loop and a few people go walking or running there every day. The road is wide, so if I see someone ahead of me on the sidewalk I can cross, pass them and cross back. I'm considering going at 6 am, when hopefully no one will be around, but I won't know until I…
  • Some idiot on my local city bulletin board wanted to know the NAME of the person who tested positive in our city. I told her in no uncertain terms that that goes against privacy laws (HIPAA) as well as being rude. :s
  • Meanwhile, the site has crashed "404 Not Found" :s ETA it's back up again
  • Here is some information on how that works
  • What's your source? my husband has found a lot of sources and I'd like to pass that along.
  • My husband caught something back in late January and had symptoms like those you describe. He was on again off again sick for about a month or so. He may well have had it - his company does business with China and someone may have traveled there before everything got locked down. As far as reinfection - it's not clear if…
  • Just heard on the news that someone at my husband's company (the local branch) tested positive. We don't know though if the person works in the same building though. The company will have a virtual meeting in a few hours.
  • Well, it's better than "My Corona"
  • And NO we hadn't hoarded toilet paper.
  • Look who I'll be locked in the house with for the next 3 or so months...
  • @Pipsqueak1965 what's this business about the UK government is pushing herd immunity? they're taking a huge gamble and more people will die. My husband is from the UK and is extremely angry at the news from there.
  • Thank you so much, I needed to see that right now. Give your friend my best wishes. My husband and I just sent a message to our relatives that we're checking in on all of them, and figuring out the best way to make sure everyone has what they need - especially the oldest relatives. Mom is 94, one aunt is 94, another aunt…
  • Physicians and scientists such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the people in this article (UC San Francisco) are not advising social distancing on the basis of emotions and panic. Please look at their definition of…
  • That area code includes San Diego.
  • It's a torus, not a doughnut. That mathematical enough for you?
  • That slow approach would overload the NHS and lead to far more deaths due to people not getting treated. As far as killing all its victims and taking itself out, it can still spread for several days (symptoms may appear as much as 14 days after exposure) while the patients are not yet severely ill. If the patients became…
  • Why is the UK government is taking this slow approach??
  • And the owners of my Duckies will take care of the Honda Center workers
  • Los Angeles County latest - 40 cases, 6 community spread. We'll see what the numbers are when testing increases.