tulipzz Member


  • Thanks :smile: So, my diet is vegetarian and I lead a vegan lifestyle.
  • How is plant based diet different from Vegan lifestyle?
  • Its amazing to see so many vegetarians/vegans here! I'm a vegetarian, (trying to be a vegan) :smile:
  • Hiya! Im 34 yrs old and im from London (UK). Just had a baby (12weeks old). I binge ate throughout my pregnancy - have 8kg of pregnancy weight to lose plus 10kg from before. I need to lose 18 kg in total. Do u want to be my friend - we can do this together!
  • Hi, I'm in London. I had 10 kg to lose before I got pregnant. My baby is 2 months old now and I am +8. So that's 18kg to lose to look fab. About 10-12 kg to go before I look ok. At the moment, I am HUGE!
  • Gr8 idea OP !
  • ok, so its strength training/weights then.That explains a lot things... I've NEVER done that before, it was always walking walking and walking. The only thing that toned up a little bit after the 5-6 kg loss was my butt. everywhere else just loose skin/muscle. Im loving 30 day shred. I will finish it and alongside I will…
  • I've been a vegetarian all my life. I can help you with recipies :) Do you like Indian food? Quick fixes: falafel wraps, salads, sandwiches, curry+rice, soups, noodles PS: I must add that I am not anaemic. No one in my all veg family is anaemic. You need to include a lot of green vegetables in your diet. You will be fine.
  • Hun, first of all. BIG hug to you I have the same problem. I'm a mum to a 6yr old and I have a full time job. My husband is the laziest thing that ever walked on this planet - so I have all the cleaning, cooking, etc etc to do. So pretty much, life of a slave here! I am determined to lose 10kg in 3 months flat this time.…
  • It's day 3 today....I managed to finsh it ! I almost gave up after 8 mins....my thighs were killing me, other parts of my body are not this bad - just a tiny bit sore that's it. But my thighs! It's awful when I go down the stairs :( I just kept going and finished the whole thing. I'm not going to give up now! I'm VERY bad…
  • Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences! Just completed day2 .... My body feels very sore. My legs - I can't even move. No luck with push ups yet - not even modified ones :( I realized today that my back is very arched. When I lie down on my back, there is a gap between where my butt touches the ground and where my…